  • 期刊


Employment of Local Knowledge on Geo-Referencing of Historical Aerial Photos


航照是地表現象的真實複製,是地理資訊系統(geographic information system,GIS)重要的資料來源,近年航照拍攝已進入數位化時代,且與定位系統搭配,極易完成空間定位(geo-referencing)處理並與GIS資料整合應用。然歷史航照多為類比式照片,雖可掃瞄成為數值檔,但無明顯定位資訊可供使用,尤其山區的歷史航照更難有明顯地物可做為空間定位的控制點,以致無法整合於地理資訊系統中。本研究導入地方知識(Iocal knowledge)的概念,假設長期生活於在地的人士對於該地的環境應具備豐富的空間知識,因而可以協助空間定位控制點的辨識。研究方法是以南投縣信義鄉神木村的年長居民為對象,以一張1940年代的歷史航照為素材,發展一套歷史航照控制點辨識與處理的作業方法。共有十位神木村居民參與研究工作,研究團隊提供42個已知地物供其辨識,後以窮舉法(exhausted search method)篩選適宜的地物作為控制點,最後獲得RMSE(root mean square error)7.9公尺的最佳定位成果。此外,透過耆老生命經驗的瞭解,分析耆老在控制點辨識的差異性,結果顯示在研究區內具備生活經驗是必要條件,其次,具備航照閱讀經驗也顯示會影響辨識能力;同時,人造地物辨識率較高,其中目前仍然存在的地物辨識率最高,地形特徵例如山峰的辨識率較低,原因是耆老於山林中的採集、植林、伐木等生活經驗所及之處為山林,反而無機會登上山峰,因而山峰名稱雖極為熟悉,但實際位置卻模糊。


Aerial photo is one of the most important data sources for geographic information system (GlS). However, historical aerial photos are difficult to do geo-referencing which is a key issue for data integration in a GIS system. This research develops a geo-referencing method by including residents' local knowledge in Shenmu Village, Xinyi Township, Nantou County.An aerial photo taken in 1940's was used for experiment in this research. Ten senior elders living in the target area were invited to identify 42 landmarks which were serves as control points for geo-referencing. Exhausted search method was employed to evaluate the quality of identified control points. RMSE (root mean square error) was used as the quality indicator. The RMSE of 7.9 meters is the best result which was generated by six best quality control points. In addition, living experiences of elders were analyzed in order to figure out how elders identify landmarks. Results indicate that living experience and map reading ability arc two critical issues for landmark identification.
