  • 期刊


Uncertainty Analysis of Lithological Classification in Taipei Basin


在工程應用領域和環境科學分析等研究中,對於研究區域的地質組成架構有基本的掌握,對於地質岩性基本的分佈情形有所了解,能夠對分析地質、水文、地下水或是洪旱災等,環境相關研究進行時有所幫助,使分析有所依據和參考。但由於許多實際觀測上的限制,例如先天的環境困境或是後天採樣的屏障,使得實際能夠使用的採樣和觀測資料有限,因此許多研究進行時僅能使用有限的資料進行分析。在此情況之下為有效提高地質空間的解析度,並了解未知空間點的岩性分佈,傳統上也有許多空間統計方法應用于此,而本研究應用的貝氏最大熵法(BayesianMaximum Entropy, BME method)同時考慮時空間之相關性,並且同時處理確定和不確定性資料。以貝氏條件機率概念為基礎,其理論建立于完整的數理哲學概念之上,本研究嘗試應用迭代演算法進行模式收斂,並于收斂過程中考慮模式限制式條件所含之不確定性範圍。而針對台北盆地地質岩性分類之推估,即是屬於離散分佈的類別型資料,因此本研究整體應用方法稱為類別型貝氏最大熵法(Categorical BME),望能透過有限的地質鑽探之岩心資料,建立完整的三維類別型貝氏最大熵法岩性推估模式,推估台北盆地之三維岩性分布情形,期望可以供台北盆地地質相關研究和實務建設之參考。


In environmental or other scientific applications, we must have a certain understanding of geological lithological composition. Because of restrictions of real conditions, only limited amount of data can be acquired. To find out the lithological distribution in the study area, many spatial statistical methods used to estimate the lithological composition on unsampled points or grids. This study applied the Bayesian Maximum Entropy (BME method), which is an emerging method of the geological spatiotemporal statistics field. The BME method can identify the spatiotemporal correlation of the data, and combine not only the hard data but the soft data to improve estimation. The data of lithological classification is discrete categorical data. Therefore, this research applied Categorical BME to establish a complete three-dimensional Lithological estimation model. Try to regularize the maximum entropy density estimation. Apply the limited hard data from the cores and the soft data generated from the geological dating data and the virtual wells to estimate the three-dimensional lithological classification in Taipei Basin.
