  • 期刊

Modeling and Experiment of an Active Pneumatic Vibration Isolator according to ISO 6358

主動式氣壓避震器應用ISO 6358建模分析與實驗


在工業製造技術邁向奈米與高精密度化的同時,對於工件承載平台振動控制之要求也愈來愈高,目前工業界最常用的設備仍是使用「被動式防振平台」,這是因為被動式防振平台的設計較為簡單,安裝容易且系統穩定,因此被廣泛應用在工業界,雖然被動式平台具有高穩定性,低維護成本等優點,但由於被動式的靜態剛性必須足夠承受負載的重量,若限制承載重量將會導致所能達到的減振效果有限,因此近年來,應用主動式防振平台已成為減振系統新趨勢。本文將針對一主動式氣壓避震器建立全新數學模型,首先針對主動式氣壓避震器進行數學模式的推導,主要描述主動式氣壓避震器在各氣室間中所產生之壓力變化率,並根據國際規範ISO 6358質流量方程式來模擬主動式氣壓避震器在各氣室間節流口的氣體流量特性,最後利用所建構之主動式氣壓避震系統透過機械式水平控制閥進行實際測試並經由位移感測器來擷取位移訊號。藉由實驗與模擬結果進行比較,証實本文所提出之應用ISO 6358數學模式可精確模擬主動式氣壓避震器動態響應特性。




In some precision manufacturing processes, like the transportation of TFT-LCD or solar-energy panels, the vibration control of the transportation platform is the key technology to prevent the panels from being damaged. Nowadays, passive vibration isolator is still widely used in the design of the transportation platform because of its simple structure and easy maintenance. The disadvantage, however, is its limited performance become it has no means of adding extra energy to the system. Therefore, the advanced active vibration isolator becomes the effective solution to suppress the vibration of the transportation platform. In this paper, a brand new modeling methodology for an active pneumatic vibration isolator is developed. This mathematical model is based on the international standard ISO 6358. Finally, after comparing the results by experiment and simulation, it is proved that the mathematical model based on ISO 6358 can accurately simulate the dynamic response of the active pneumatic vibration isolator.
