  • 期刊

The Effect of Wall Slip Condition on the Transient Flow of Oldroyd-B Fluid under given inlet Volume flow Rate Variations



文獻中,對於具滑動邊界條件的相關研究,近年來受到許多科學家與研究人員的重視,主因是此流動現象廣泛的應用於許多實際的工程問題中。因此,本研究將以作者曾研究過的Oldroyd-B流體於圓管中流動的問題[Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 40, pp. 203-209 (2004)],加入滑動邊界條件後,重新研究。因此,本研究探討微圓管內Oldroyd-B流體之速度分布與壓力梯度之解,解題採用拉普拉斯轉換方法為之,而因已知的邊界條件變為滑動條件,因此邊界條件必須修正。為驗證本研究之正確性,本研究之外加流動條件,採用Das等人所提出之模型[ASME J. Appl. Mech., vol. 67, pp. 274-281(2000)],俾便作為解正確性之驗證。




The research of microflow pattern draws great attention from scientists. Its characteristic is the slip on the wall and it is frequently occurred in the real world engineering applications. In this study, the authors will re-explore previous study [Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 40, pp. 203-209 (2004)] with Oldroyd-B fluid in the circular tube under the influence of wall slip condition. The velocity profile and pressure gradient in a microcircular tube are solved by Laplace transform method. As the velocity slip condition at the wall imposed, the boundary conditions should be modified. The flow motion is induced by a prescribed arbitrary inlet volume flow rate which was proposed by Das et. al. [ASME J. Appl. Mech., vol. 67, pp. 274-281 (2000)]. In this paper, two basic flow situations are solved. These are a suddenly started and a constant acceleration flow, respectively. The linear acceleration and oscillatory flow are also considered.
