  • 期刊


Challenge of Research in Palliative Care in Taiwan




安寧療護 實證醫學 研究 挑戰


Hospice and palliative care movement has been widely promoted through a group of highly committed and enthusiastic professionals. The contributions of palliative care to improvement of the quality of terminal care and the dignity of dying patients have been well recognized by other disciplines and the society. However, under the stress of emphasis of evidence-based medicine, palliative care has faced several barriers and challenges in research in palliative care. These barriers include: (1) a lack of emphasis on value of research in palliative care, (2) a lack of well-trained research skills among palliative care professionals, (3) a very limited access to palliative care patients for researchers, (4) no consensus on ethical guidelines for palliative care research, and (5) a lack of cooperation in research efforts among different palliative care centers. In order to cope with these barriers, this has posed several challenges for palliative research, which include: (1) balancing the value of research and practice, (2) provision of formal research training programs for palliative care providers, (3) provision of access to palliative care units for researchers, (4) development of a consensus on ethical guidelines for palliative care research, and (5) development of collaborative research groups. Palliative care research is at a critical stage in its evolution in Taiwan.


