  • 期刊


A Study of Clinical Nurses' Upward Influence Behaviors and Effectiveness


本研究目的在探討基層護理人員向上影響行爲之使用頻率與有效性及其相關性。採橫斷式的調查法,以北部規模爲地區教學醫院以上且服務至少滿一年之基層護理人員爲研究對象。研究工具爲「護理人員向上影響行爲及其有效性問卷調查表」。採Likert Scale五分法計分。共發出問卷360份,有效回收率爲92.22%。研究結果發現:(一)護理人員向上影響行爲使用頻率平均得分爲1.62分,介於從不使用到很少使用之間,向上影響行爲之有效性平均得分爲1.77分,介於毫無效果到很少效果之間。六種向上影響行爲及有效性中,均以理性說服平均得分最高,非理性施壓得分最低;(二)護理人員所屬醫院之層級、公立或和立性質及病房科別不同時,其向上影響行爲使用頻率呈顯著差異:(三)護理人員之年齡、工作年資、病房年資等與其使用理性說服影響行爲之頻率呈顯著正相關;(四)病房護理人員數與六種向上影響行爲的使用頻率及有效性,除援引第三勢力外,皆呈顯著負相關;(五)護理人員整體向上影響行爲使用頻率與有效性呈顯著正相關,且六種向上影響行爲頻率與有效性間均呈顯著正相關。研究結果證實:護理人員向上影響行爲使用最多及最有效的是理性說服,非理性施壓較少使用,也最無效。


The objective of this thesis was to explore the frequency and the effectiveness of the clinical nurses' upward influence behaviors. The researcher used the modified questionnaire and randomly selected 360 clinical nurses from ten hospitals around the Taipei area, and the valid response rate was 92.22%. The study results revealed: (1) The mean of the nurses' upward influence behaviors frequency and effectiveness were 1.62 and 1.77 and both them were much be-low moderate. Among the six upward influence behaviors, the logic persuasion method had the highest score and the non-reasonable pressure method had the lowest score; (2)The frequencies of upward influence behaviors were significantly different among nurses of various hospitals and their wards; (3)The logical persuasion method of upward influence behaviors had highly positive association between the nurses' ages and their tenures; (4)The upward influence behaviors frequency and effectiveness were significantly negative association between the number of nurses and the six methods upward influence behaviors except used the third power method; (5)The overall results showed in contrast that the effectiveness of the nurses' up-ward influence behaviors was positively related to the frequency and so did the six methods. The research results could verify that the most frequently used and effectively of upward influence behaviors by nurses' was the logical persuasion method. The least frequently used and effectively of upward influence behaviors was the non-reasonable pressure method.
