  • 期刊


Working Hours Analysis for Nursing Activities


本研究目的為計算一般外科臨床路徑的護理活動所需之工時及其分析探討。研究對象為台灣南部某區域教學醫院,執行一般外科臨床路徑之病房所有護理人員,共33位,以觀察員直接觀察法進行工時測量,共計觀察1122人次。統計分析方法以Mann-Whitney U檢定不同職級執行護理活動工時的差異,並以Kruskal-Wallis H檢定不同年資執行護理活動工時的差異。研究結果為(一)一般外科臨床路徑之共通性護理活動,以測量體溫的平均工時最短;協助身體清潔的平均工時最長。(二)職級越高,執行護理活動的工時較短,年資少於一年者,執行護理活動,所耗費工時較長。建議每一項護理活動平均工時可做為新進護理人員學習之參考,另一方面,提供行政管理者對臨床護理人員執行護理活動工時的評核依據。


The purpose of this study was to estimate working hours of nursing activities in general surgery clinical pathways. 33 nurses were recruited from a regional teaching hospital. The types of nursing activities were analyzed from 7 surgical clinical pathways. Direct observation method was used to calculate nursing hours. Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis H test were used to assess the study assumptions. With findings as follows: (1) Time taken for temperature checks was the minimum (1.72 minutes) while the time taken for body baths was the maximum (12.05 minutes); (2) Nurses in higher positions and had nursing experience spent less time on nursing activities than nurses of one-year experience. The average nursing hours was suggested to be a standard for new nurses and it could be a base for administrators to appraise clinicalnurses.
