  • 期刊


The Relationship of Periodontal Disease and Tooth Loss with Cardiovascular Disease of Residents in Taipei County


本研究旨在暸解現存牙周疾病與心血管疾病之相關性,探討共同危險因子。以立意取樣調查台北縣年齡在三十五歲以上,自願接受口腔檢查及完成問卷調查者為對象,採橫斷式研究共收集樣本297人。資料採SAS JMP統計軟體進行比較口腔健康狀況及身體疾病是否有相關。結果發現平均男、女牙周病盛行率為69%,社區牙周指數嚴重者容易發生在年紀大、教育程度低者;其牙齒剩餘顆數也相對下降。隨著年齡增加,牙齦附連喪失的問題也隨之嚴重。影響口腔健康的相關因素有性別、高年齡層、低教育程度、罹患心血管疾病及嚼食檳榔。應針對此族群進行定期口腔檢查,加強口腔保健與行為。


牙周疾病 缺牙 心血管疾病


The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the relationship of periodontal disease (PD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Participants comprised of 297 adults aged above 35 years from Taipei County. The data were analyzed by SAS JMP to determine the relationship between oral disease and chronic systemic disease. The results showed that the prevalence rate of PD was 69%. Severe community periodontal index (CPI) was found among older people and those with a lower education. The remaining number of teeth was also found to be lesser. Attachment loss also increased with age. Oral health related factors included gender, older age, low education, risk of cardiovascular disease, and betel quid chewing. The high risk group should carry out regular oral examination to enhance oral health and behavior.
