  • 學位論文


The Investigation of Tooth Loss and 0ral Health Related Quality of Life in Veteran Institute

指導教授 : 謝天渝


中文摘要 背景: 人口老化乃全球性的趨勢,世界衛生組織2004年於日內瓦宣布60歲以上人口於西元2025年將突破十億大關。依經建會統計我國65歲以上老年人口於1993年已跨越7.02%,正式邁入高齡化國家,推估2021年將高達14.4%。謝天渝(2001)調查發現高雄市65歲以上老年全口無牙比率為43.20%,無牙將影響咀嚼、營養,進而影響口腔相關生活品質,而老年生活品質的提昇是二十一世紀健康照護、公共衛生的重要議題。 研究目的: 一、探討榮民機構榮民人口學特性、CPI、DMFT指數、牙周附連喪失、缺牙比率、贗復型態、需求…等等 二、探討榮民機構榮民失能與口腔狀況之相關 三、缺牙與口腔相關生活品質之探討 研究方法: 研究設計採橫段式方法進行調查分析,研究對象為國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會台南榮譽國民之家內住榮民,研究工具為健康生活觀念調查表、台灣地區中老年人口腔調查表,問卷收集時間為九十二年十二月至九十三年三月,口檢時間為九十二年十二月至九十三年一月份,榮家應住榮民620位扣除請假、就醫、探親實際住家為410位,口腔篩檢合計267位,口檢含問卷調查合計165位。 結果: 依據統計分析最主要的口腔健康問題為缺牙,齲齒指數為 2.10顆、缺牙指數為9.47顆、填補指數為2.39顆、DMFT指數為13.97顆、平均牙齒現存顆數為18.52顆、牙周病盛行率為60.3﹪、牙周附連喪失比率為47.2﹪、假牙裝置佔40.82﹪、有假牙贗復需求比率為35.20﹪。 日常活動功能指數(ADLs)與口腔狀況之相關方面,以牙齒 現存顆數、缺牙、 DMFT指數與日常活動功能指數之間具統計學上明顯差異,日常活動依賴程度愈高則缺牙顆數、DMFT指數則愈高,但牙齒現存顆數則愈少。 口腔相關生活品質之逐步複迴歸分析,以牙齒現存顆數、吸菸為主要影響因子,牙齒現存顆數愈少,吸菸愈嚴重則口腔相關生活品質則愈差。 結論: 長期照護機構失能預防可有效改善口腔問題並進而提高生活品質,失能愈嚴重,缺牙顆數、DMFT指數則愈高,牙齒現存顆數則愈少。因此慢性病防治、追蹤與管理是防杜失能重要關鍵。 口腔相關生活品質重要影響因素為牙齒現存顆數、吸菸,整體 而言口腔相關生活品質偏差,尤其在活動限制範疇,其次為功能限制範疇。為提昇內住榮民口腔相關生活品質,口腔衛生教育與戒菸宣導、 為當前首要任務,同時參照日本口腔保健政策推動80/20運動(80歲/20顆現存功能牙齒)以及因應贗復需求(35.20%),口腔醫療設備更新與e化,端賴預算編列,為落實口腔預防保健,加強口腔健康照護,長照機構專業口腔衛生師的需求更突顯其重要。


Abstract Background: The aged distribution of the word’s population is changing .With advances in medicine and prolonged life expectancy, the proportion of older people will continue to rise worldwide. As people age, their susceptibility to chronic and life-threatening disease, most notably tooth loss and deep periodontal pocked, attachment loss. The consequences tooth loss and condition are significant lead to disability and reduced quality of life. Objects: The purpose of this study was to examined the relative effects of tooth loss on the oral health-related quality of life of an long term veteran institute. Methods: We collected our data by means of a cross-sectional survey by questionnaire and oral examination. We enrolled267 subjects with a mean age of 79 years . The questionnaire included Barthel index、49-OHIP (Oral Health Impact Profile ), betel guide, drinking and smoking . Results: There are more significant between tooth loss and OHIP .The main oral problem in veteran institute was high rate of tooth loss .Edentulous was 9.73%,remained teeth less than 20 was 33.33% ,20 or more was 56.92%。The mean number of remained teeth was 18.52 . The mean DMFT index was13.97.The severe physical disability rate(ADLs<60)was 6.00%. Disability was in relation to DMFT index, tooth loss, remained teeth. Multiple regression showed that remained teeth, smoking behavior were the major influence factor on OHIP. Conclusions: Oral health education will increase oral health and health promotion . Tooth loss will impact oral health related quality of life . The results suggest that oral health promotion for the elderly would have an important influence on the well-being and quality of life of veteran institute. Oral service availability is needed for long term veteran institute .


ADL OHIP Tooth Loss Long Term Care DMFT


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