  • 期刊


Reducing the Difficulty of Performing Preoperative Nursing Assessment for Perioperative Nurses on Immigrant Resident Surgical Patient




Surgical safety is among the top 10 indicators of patient safety. Nursing staffs members in the operating room were aware of the difficulty of performing preoperative nursing assessments for immigrant residents, and the score reached 9.07. Consequently, ad hoc committees attempted to determine the cause of this problem. By conducting surveys, they found that poor communication caused by a language barrier was the most critical concern. To reduce the difficulty of performing preoperative nursing assessments for immigrant residents, strategies were developed based on consulting research, practices, and expert opinions. The strategies were as follows: (1) creating foreign-language versions of the preoperative nursing assessment and constructing body figures by using cardboards; (2) conducting on-the-job training for completing the preoperative nursing assessment form in foreign languages; and (3) implementing a program to encourage nursing staff members to improve their language skills. After the strategic intervention, the difficulty of preoperative nursing assessment for immigrant residents decreased from 9.07 to 4.61. The nurses gained proficiency in implementing preoperative nursing assessments, and exhibited significant improvements in surgical safety when following the practice guidelines.
