  • 期刊


Effect of Warm Footbaths on Bowel Motility in Patients after Gastrointestinal Surgery


腸胃道手術後常見腸蠕動不佳引發腹脹不適,本研究乃比較溫水足浴介入與否,對腸胃道手術後病人腸蠕動之影響。研究採準實驗性研究設計,利用不同時段收集兩組所須之資料,於2014 年1 月1 日至2014 年12 月31 日,在臺灣北部某醫學中心選擇首次接受腸胃道手術病人89 名進行收案。對照組53 名提供常規照護,實驗組36 名除接受常規照護外,在手術日隔天開始,每日下午定時執行一次溫水足浴,直到病人首次排氣為止。結果顯示手術後首次排氣時間,對照組為87.44(±26.94) 小時,實驗組為73.99(±23.63) 小時,實驗組較對照組提早約13.45 小時,達統計上顯著差異(F = 5.89, p < .05);手術後首次排便時間,對照組為99.60(±28.62) 小時,實驗組為92.00(±35.03) 小時,未達統計上顯著差異(F =1.21, p = .274)。因此,臨床上可以指導腸胃道手術後病人以溫水足浴法來促進腸蠕動,以期早期排氣,減輕手術後腹脹不適情形。


Abdomen distention is a common cause of poor bowel motility after gastrointestinal surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether warm footbaths can accelerate the recovery of bowel motility after gastrointestinal surgery. This study involved using a quasi-experimental design. A total of 89 patients undergoing gastrointestinal surgery at a medical centre in northern Taiwan were recruited through purposive sampling from January 2014 to December 2014. Participants were divided into either the control (n = 53) or the experimental (n = 36) group. The control group patients received standard care. The experimental group patients received standard care and a warm footbath every day till first flatus. Data were collected from the demographic data, bowel sound assessment, and patient self-record lists. The results indicated that the occurrence of first flatus in the control group was at 87.44(±26.94) hours. First flatus in the experimental group occurred at 74.00(±23.63) hours, with the results for both groups being significant (F = 5.89, p < .05). In addition, the first defecation of the control group occurred at 99.60(±28.62) hours, and the first defecation of the experimental group occurred at 92.00(±35.03) hours; the results were not significant for either group (F = 1.21, p = .274). First flatus occurred approximately 13.45 hours earlier in the experimental group than in the control group. Patients who have received gastrointestinal surgery can be taught that warm footbaths enhance early recovery of bowel function.


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