

熱水足浴爲傳統養生的方法之一,由於其實行方便,設施要求相對較少,同時不具侵入性與副作用低,受到民眾普遍的喜愛。但最重要的是,不論何種養生方法,均應持之以恆,方能達到養生的目標。本文由經絡學與熱療學觀點來探討足浴之相關議題,使護理人員對熱水足浴,有更清礎的了解,以提高中醫護理服務品質。經查閱相關文獻,歸納整理如下: 1.從經絡學來看,人體五臟六腑的功能在腳上都有相對應的穴位,藉由把腳浸泡在溫熱的水中,在穴位施以熱時,可直接刺激經絡,改善氣機循環,經由經脈傳入體內,以達到激發人體正氣、平衡陰陽及預防和抗禦疾病的目的。 2.熱水足浴可以提高身體核心與末稍肢體溫度,降低交感神經活性,提高副交感神經之活性,使個案有放鬆及舒適的感覺,同時能減輕疲憊感,改善睡眠品質。 3.施行足浴水溫宜設定在40~43℃之間,浸泡20至30分鐘,避免溫度超過45℃,同時水位高度應能高過三陰交穴位1公分以上爲宜。


熱水足浴 養生 中醫護理 熱療學


Hot footbaths are a traditional Chinese method of health therapy. With their convenience, noninvasiveness, few adverse side effects, and minimal requirements in terms of equipment and facilities, hot footbaths remain popular with enjoy wide popularity. However, regular therapy is essential to maximizing efficacy. This article explores issues related to hot footbaths in relation to thermotherapy and traditional Chinese life nurturing, to help nursing staff better understand the use of hot footbaths, and improve service quality in the provision of this traditional Chinese therapy. After reviewing the literature, this study recommends the following: 1 Regarding traditional Chinese medicinal methods, the five viscera and six bowels of the human body have corresponding acupuncture points on the feet. When the feet are soaked in hot water, warming the acupuncture points, the meridian and collateral points are directly stimulated, and qi movement via the meridian vessels is improved, thus enhancing healthy qi in the human body and restoring a yin-yang balance that offers disease prevention and resistance properties. 2. Hot footbaths can increase both core body and peripheral temperature, decrease sympathetic nerve activity, increase parasympathetic nerve activity, promote relaxation and comfort, reduce tiredness, and improve sleep quality. 3. The optimal temperature of the hot footbath is 40?C to 43?C with a bathing time of 20 to 30 minutes. Temperatures exceeding 45?C should be avoided and the water level should be at least one centimeter higher than the acupuncture point S?ny?nji?o.


