  • 期刊


Using Evidence-Based Nursing to Improve Lower Limb Muscle Strength and Delay Disability in Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Frailty




Frailty is a precursor of disability, and it is often accompanied by the characteristics of overall functional decline. The inability of an individual's body to maintain a constant level of functionality leads to disability, hospitalization, dependence, and even death, which increase social care costs and the burden on the individual's family members. This paper reviews the case of an elderly adult with frailty in the nearby community who experienced dizziness that led to a fall that resulted in brain hemorrhage. During the nursing care period from February 17, 2020, to June 6, 2020, a comprehensive geriatric assessment was performed to collect relevant data. During this period, a total of 11 home visits were conducted to complete the care experience from the hospital discharge to the return to the community home. The patient's health problems included a history of potentially dangerous falls; functional urinary incontinence; inability to independently perform the self-care activities of bathing, eating, and using the toilet; generally impaired activity; and impaired orientation and memory. Using the concept of empirical nursing, we explored whether muscle strength training could reduce the weakness of the lower limbs. The individual intervention measures were based on a review of the literature and were designed to substantially improve the overall function and muscle strength of the lower limbs, the ability to walk in a straight line, nutritional status, and cognitive function. Notably, the patient's activities of daily living assessment score improved from 40 to 70 points during hospitalization. The patient was able to eat independently, go to the toilet, and walk with a four-legged walker with a stable gait. No falls occurred during the treatment period. The interventions resolved the patient's health problems, successfully improved the muscle strength of the lower limbs, and delayed disability.


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