  • 期刊


Gender Mainstreaming and the Construction of Gender Friendly Medical Environment: A Review of Research and Discussion about the Implementation




This research aims at the construction of gender friendly medical environment and the promotion gender equity in healthcare. According to previous literature, attempts to mainstream gender into healthcare often turn out to be simplified reports of sex differences without taking account of the conditions of intersectionality. The article thus deals with the gender friendly medical environment construction and healthcare service delivery in terms of theoretical concepts, "doing gender" and "intersectionality". It is stressed that the expression of "gender friendly" will vary as it intersects with other factors. The healthcare workers/professions must have knowledge and insight into the meaning of gender for spatial arrangement and gender sensitive social interactions. Gender awareness is necessary to overcome gender bias and to reach equity in health. Furthermore, the policy-making is also explored in this paper. The researcher focuses on two cases implemented in Taiwan to explore the possibilities of putting gender mainstreaming into practice in health care policy. The research finally provides related international trends to justify the importance of constructing gender friendly environment and promoting gender equity through the implementation of gender mainstreaming policy. Hopefully, change will occur in healthcare system with the recognition that gender indeed matters.


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