  • 期刊


Cybercrime Prevention and Trust Mechanism Establishment-By Examples of Cyber Transaction Crimes


隨著網際網路技術的發達,造就了B2C、C2C等電子商務的蓬勃發展,交易方式不再侷限於傳統的交易方法。雖然網路交易帶給我們很多意想不到的便利性,但也衍生了一些難以避免的複雜犯罪問題,例如網路詐欺、網路入侵、網路竊聽、信用卡盜錄、手機詐騙等犯罪問題,破壞了原有的經濟秩序,影響國家正常經濟發展。網路犯罪手法也日新月異只要是能上網的設備如:行動電話、電腦、PDA等,都是可以用來作為犯罪的工具,而對於此類犯罪技術的更新能被發展或被查獲定罪的案件也越來越少,如何建構一有效的網路犯罪防治策略是本文所要探討的主要對象。 另外對於現今蓬勃發展的電子商務交易存在的問題如:C2C之網路交易詐欺類型,B2C之電子商店付款制及交易安全、隱私保護、身分確認等,以期透過此類網路信賴機制的建立能夠有效防止網路犯罪之發生。


As the Internet technology advances, IT companies such as B2C and C2C got to expand their businesses. Business transactions are no longer limited to the old fashioned ways. Although transactions over the Internet has brought us much benefits, it has also brought many complicated criminal activities such as computer hacking, recording of credit card numbers, spying, and cellular phone fraud etc. All these activities have slowed down the country's economical growth. The different ways of these criminal acts has also been increasing. Anything that could be used to go online, such as cellular phones, computers and PDAs, could be used as tools for criminal acts on the Internet. It is also getting harder and harder to track all these activities on the Internet. How to prevent, track and eliminate these criminal activities, and a reliable trust mecnahism are going to be discussed in this article.


Yu, W. J. (2015). 網路犯 罪之地方法院刑事判決解析 [master's thesis, Feng Chia University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0201782
