  • 期刊

Data Mining客戶檔案分析在轉帳繳健保費方案的運用

The Application of Customer Profiling of Data Mining to the Project of Bank Transfer to Pay Insurance Premiums


受到綱路革命風潮的影響,Data Mining協助企業組織進一步地思考與顧客之間的互動型態,並且藉此從既有的資料庫中找出更多更廣的潛在客戶,再進行目標的鎖定,以發揮真正的價值及較大的加值效益。鼓勵轉帳繳費的制度,從一九五五年開始在美、日等先進國家實施,我國公用事業亦在民國五十八年陸續開辦這項方案,目前除公用事業之外,舉凡租稅、壽險、信用卡交易及消費性貸款等費用,事業體亦大力提倡。 全民健保保費的計收體系自八十四年三月開辦以來即多方面鼓吹轉帳代繳,但因諸項制度面的限制及客戶群財務消費型態差異性大等因素,效果並不理想,因此嘗試採用Data Mining的觀念及手法在這方面作個案的應用並評估其效益。


Due to the effect of the internet revolution tide, data mining helps greatly with private enterprises forward to think the interaction conditions between the customers and them. In addition, using data mining techniques is easy to find out the more and wider potential customers in enormous data bases, and then it helps to set up the clear goals to educe the real value and to get the more benefit. Since l995, the developed countries such as the United States and Japan etc. have begun to encourage the bank transfer system. Our government enterprise has also begun to execute this project constantly since 1969. For now, this project not only applies to the government enterprise, including taxes, private insurances, credit card markets and consumer credits, but also applies to private enterprises. The account system of National Health Insurance premiums has been encouraged to adopt the bank transfer project to pay insurance premiums in various ways from May 1,1995. However, because of the factors such as the limitations of the system, and the great differences of the financial consumption types of customers, the effect is not so perfect. Therefore, we tried to apply the concepts and techniques of data mining to the case study and to evaluate the effect.


Data Mining customer profiling transfer
