  • 期刊


Serve the Public or Follow the Mandate of the Law? With the Focus of Regulatory Impact Analysis Mechanism


依法行政是指法律優位原則與法律保留原則,要求公務機關若涉及影響人民權利或義務者,必須要有法律規定的依據或授權,才得據以適法執行職務。相對的,一旦法律強制規定機關應作為事項,機關不作為則成為行政怠惰。換言之,法律供給面先決定了機關提供服務的範疇,機關才得以據以實施服務的內容。然而,便民服務則強調重視民眾的需求面,認為機關行政作為應以民眾需求為依歸。兩者如何調合?當依法行政與為民服務相衝突時,法律優位原則下「在法言法」、「惡法亦法」是否成為政府機關僅有的無奈回應呢?還是變通的在「立法從嚴,執法從寬」似是而非的行政便宜下,限縮或排除法律應執行事項或範圍? 本文認為法規影響評估應是解決此困境的最適當機制,擬先就政府服務理論加以探討,以瞭解為民服務與法律規範的關係,再分析我國現行法制作業運作中RIA適用的現況,接著提出法規影響評估可能的調整方向,最後指出我國推動法規影響評估未來的挑戰。期待我國政府機關法制作業方式得落實RIA機制之精神,使我國法制作業得與民意及社會需求相調合。


Rule by Law means the principles of statute supremacy and of reservation by statute. It mandates that the administrative authorities shall conduct their offices in accordance with the specific provision or authorization provided the rights or duties of citizens are interfered. So, it means that the service by administrative agencies shall not run beyond the scope of supply side of statutory mandate. On the other hand, serve the public is responsible to the demand side of the society, and it is always thought a responsible government shall act to the needs of the society. Therefore, there is a conflict between the two ideas: serve the public needs or follow the mandate of the law. Is there any solution we can design in our law making process to prevent the conflict? It becomes the main theme in this article. This article argues that the Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) will be a solution to harmonize the conflicts of the two ideas. First, the theories of public services will be depicted to understand the relationship between legal norm and the government services. Then, the RIA mechanism in our law-making process will be review and the proposed adjustment for the RIA operation will next be presented. At the end, the article will point out the challenges faced by the future of the RIA in our law-making process and expect that the law making process with implementation of RIA mechanism will realize the harmonization of social needs and regulatory purposes of law making process.


