  • 學位論文


Study on the regulatory effectiveness of TV title sponsorship

指導教授 : 彭心儀


我國電視節目長久以來飽受節目品質低落所苦,電視產業從業人員表示電視台對於製作經費一砍再砍,使得製作人員巧婦難為無米之炊;另一方面電視台則頻頻叫屈,推說國內電視廣告市場逐漸萎縮,收視人口亦受到新興媒體的瓜分,導致電視台收益銳減,實無能力投入大量經費於節目製作,進而導致自製節目品質低落,向外購得之片源則一再重播。   近年來我國購片之重心轉往中國,而中國節目正風行一種特殊贊助模式-冠名贊助,因冠名費用常高達數千萬甚至上億人民幣,使得我國業者紛紛希望如法泡製。所謂冠名贊助簡而言之是在節目名稱之前,加入贊助商指定的行銷字樣,使得贊助商無論是在節目進行中,或是於節目表、廣告時段中的節目宣傳中都可享有自然曝光的利益,進而達到行銷效益。而然隨著巨額的冠名費而來的,卻是冠名企業有能力插手影響節目製播,節目中充斥無關的消費資訊干擾收視,主管機關亦為了暴增的節目廣告申訴疲於奔命。   我國已於2012年開放電視冠名贊助,開放的理由為吸引資金挹注、提升節目品質。然而我國受限於內需市場規模,冠名費用對節目製作經費而言僅杯水車薪,卻會導致節目的多元性與獨立性下降、破壞節目完整性種種不利後果,是否貿然開放不無討論空間。本文將先討探討我國電視產業資金匱乏的原因,並比較世界各國冠名贊助之立法例,同時探討遭電視冠名贊助影響的法益,評估電視冠名贊助之利弊。


In Taiwan, low quality of television (TV) programs is a huge problem since a long time ago. TV producers claimed that they can not make good programs without sufficient production budget. However, TV stations indicate that the revenue has declined sharply because the advertisement market has shrunk and new media has gained more market share. In other words, they have no extra budget to produce better TV programs. As a result, the quality of self-manufactured programs became worse steadily and the ratio of rebroadcast has increased gradually. In recent years, TV title sponsorship became popular in the People's Republic of China and the sponsorship is up to hundred millions of Chinese Yuan. This special sponsorship is to put sponsors’ appointed words in front of program titles so that the audience can see those words both during the program and advertisement. The attendant deficiencies include that sponsors are able to influence the content and the scheduling of programs. The audience has complained about the irrelevant content and the competent authority is getting more and more grievance. National Communications Commission has permitted the TV title sponsorship since 2012. The main reason is to attract funds to upgrade the quality of programs. Nevertheless, the money within the TV title sponsorship is a drop in the ocean for program production due to the small market in Taiwan. However, it will influence media diversity, editorial independence, and program integrity in a negative way. The main concern of this paper is to introduce the problem of TV industry first, analyze the legislation abroad, discuss legal interest which is affected by TV title sponsorship, and then sum up with the feasibility of the TV title sponsorship as a conclusion.


林崇能,有線電視跑馬燈使用的管理危機,危機管理學刊,8 卷 2 期,頁25-32,2011年9月。
