  • 期刊


Aristotle's Influence on the Theory of Subjective Imputation in Criminal Law and Its Significance


希臘哲學家亞里斯多德(西元前384-322)奠定了西方文化眾多學科之基礎,在中世紀一段不算短的時代中,士林哲學典籍當中所出現的「哲學家」一詞,並非泛指所有的思想家,而僅是亞里斯多德一人的代稱,其被尊稱為西方的「學問之父」實不為過。其具有目的論性格的倫理學以追求幸福為至善,在追求至善的道路上,人經過思慮、省察與抉擇,最後採取行動以達成其冀求,並且為其行為與結果而受到讚揚或責難。而對於這個行動的進程,亞里斯多德提出一個自願行為(freiwillige Handlung)之學說,認為只有自願的行為才能作為道德判斷的對象,或者褒獎頌揚,或者非難譴責,自此,自願行為的基礎模型在西方倫理學中,一直都是最受人關注的議題之一,迄今不衰。 自願行為學說關係著非難與否之議題,這同樣也是法律責任的核心課題,正因如此,這個來自希臘哲人的學說自羅馬法時期即已影響著主觀歸責之建構,當然這樣的影響力不僅於此,自願行為學說一直與刑法學上的諸多重要問題緊密相連,如行為理論、錯誤、原因自由行為、衝動行為以及不知法律等等,因此,疏理此一思想的背景與發展實有助於我們了解許多問題的來龍去脈。另一方面來說,當代受到心理學影響的主觀歸責觀,與亞里斯多德所代表的倫理學傳統漸行漸遠,值此之際,發掘自願行為學說思想具有另一層意義,亦即反省與批判現今主流學說是否有其缺漏甚至誤失之處。本文主要的問題意識在於,自願行為學說主張對於行為進行完整觀察以作為非難判斷之基礎,但是,當代刑法卻透過犯罪階層將行為予以切割,兩者之間的差異所形成的不同結果,其理由與結論在在都值得深入探討。


自願行為 故意 不知 意志活動 意志形成


As is well known, the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) has developed the theoretical foundation for so many fields of science that, during the mid-century, his name has been recognized as the synonym for ”philosopher”. As the father of modern science, Aristotle is devoted to constructing a deontological approach to ethics, according to which the supreme good is happiness. In pursuing the supreme good, therefore, humans base their decisions on thoughtful considerations and choices and thereby are evaluated on the basis of these considerations and choices. Accordingly, Aristotle developed a theory of voluntary action which maintained that only voluntary behaviors can be morally judged and evaluated. From then on, the theoretical framework of voluntary action has always been one of the most discussed issues in the western ethics. Because Aristotle's theory of voluntary action is closely related to the issue of whether a certain human should be blamed, it has influenced the legal determination of subjective imputation ever since the Roman law. Moreover, the influence of this theory has extended to discussions and developments on many important subjects such as Handlungslehre, Irrtum, action libra in causa, Affekt, Unkenntnis des Gesetzes. From this perspective, it is worth exploring the spirit of Aristotle’s voluntary action not only because it helps clarify the nature and developments of numerous criminal law issues, but because its sharp contrast with the modern theory of subjective imputation under the influence of psychology provides an opportunity to criticize the modern theory. Against such a background, this essay purports to analyze the characteristics of the theory of voluntary action in order to reexamine the modern system of criminal law.


voluntary action intention Unkenntnis Willensbildung


