  • 期刊


Commentary on the Reform of the Public Servants Retirement and Pension System-Trend towards Insurance Annuity Systems




The pension reforms in recent social policy changes in Taiwan has garnered widespread attention. The Public Servant Retirement and Pension Act promulgated on August 9, 2017 was the first of the reforms. However, the Act has been debated for its constitutionality, which this study examined according to the principle that the government must safeguard the rights of its citizens to hold public offices, as stated in Article 18 of the Constitution of the Republic of China. This study believes that the reform of the public servant retirement system corresponds to the trend of transforming pension systems according to insurance annuity systems. The consequent changes in the public servant system require justification. After reduction, the pension payments should remain sufficient for retired public servant to maintain a minimal standard of living. Therefore, the retirement income of public servant should not be lower than that of workers with equivalent income. The Act's specification of the upper limit of the public servant' retirement income and the replacement of the original monthly retirement compensation standards with the amount equivalent to each servant' average pay for the final 15 years of servant conflicts with the principles of alimentation, rendering the Act unconstitutional.


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