  • 期刊


On the Source of Business Income in International Tax Law




The taxation convention concluded between R.O.C.and other countries has the effect of domestic law and is of a special law nature. If the tax convention has special provisions on the source of business income, it should be applied priority (Article 124 of the Income Tax Law). Regarding the source of the source of business income, the OECD Model Tax Convention only provides for business in the domestic market. As for the judgment criteria for domestic business,In the past, the Japanese legislation adopted the "location of real economic activities" as a benchmark for domestic judgment, including consideration of the location of the goods, the contracting place, and the location of the important contracting process. The United States legislation is a simple and unified model management, which makes it easy for both parties to follow. In principle, the "legal transfer of ownership" is adopted as the benchmark for judgment. Regarding the source of business income standards, the OECD Model Tax Convention only stipulates that it engaged in domestic business activities is open for business in China. As for the judgment criteria for domestic business, whether the "legislative economic activity location" in the past is used as a basis for judgment in the domestic legislation, including the location of the goods to be considered, And other factors such as the location of the important contracting process. The United States legislation is a simple and simple management, which makes it easy for both parties to follow. In principle, the "legal transfer of ownership" is adopted as the benchmark for judgment. For the German and Japanese legislation, refer to Article 7 of the OECD Model Tax Convention: "There is no permanent establishment" "There is no taxation", and the criteria for determining the domestic source of business income are, in principle, the "permanent establishment" standard. The business income attributable to a permanent establishment in the territory shall be deemed as the scope of taxation of the domestic source. In the case of cross-border and overseas business activities, the income from the mixed sources obtained shall be distributed according to the proportion of the sources of domestic and foreign sources. If the value contribution of production and sales cannot be clearly defined, the estimate taxation is introduced. That is to say, based on the information provided by the taxpayer, the taxation is carried out in accordance with the principle of independent enterprises.


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