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Nationalism and (Homo) Sexuality in Frank McGuinness's Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme





Frank McGuinness's Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme is grounded on a heterosexual and patriarchal nationalism, where Protestant unionism in Ireland, as a kind of modern nationalism, controls gender and sexual norms and constructs for men a romanticized vision of sacrifice through history, religion and tribalism. Masculinity and manliness are highly valued in this national patriarchy system, but at the same time men also have to pay some prices and to make sacrifice. When the soldiers are disillusioned, they turn to homosocial romances for emotional support, and thus homosexuality becomes an alternative in the homogeneous discourse of nationalism. Pyper, the homosexual character who is aware of the fact that modern nationalism is something constructed in the very beginning, still fails to escape from the all-encompassing power of modern nationalism. Men's inability to be free from patriarchal nationalism is the dark side of modern nationalism suggested by this play, and the complicity of nationalism and patriarchy prefigures the defect of Protestant unionism. The dark side of modern nationalism can transcend time and is not confined to the 1910s or Protestant unionism. Not simply an attack on Protestant unionism, this play can also be a reflection of modern nationalism of all kinds and enable the Irish people to rethink their national ideologies and to reflect on the conflicts in the 1980s.


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