  • 學位論文


Nationalism and Sexuality in Frank McGuinness’s Plays

指導教授 : 莊坤良


本論文以後殖民和酷兒理論的角度出發,探討愛爾蘭當代作家法蘭克.麥基尼斯戲劇作品中國家主義與性慾的關係,並分析全球化對於國家主義與性慾的影響。論文第一章為導論,本章將先回顧目前國家主義理論中對於性別與性慾的探討,並援引二十世紀相關的愛爾蘭政治事件及文學作品,以期將國家主義理論證諸於愛爾蘭獨特的歷史文化背景。論文第二章將探討麥基尼斯劇作《看那些前往索姆河的厄爾斯特子弟兵們》中的國家主義與同性性慾,討論該劇中的國家主義如何被建構成一個浪漫化的父權體制,而當這種浪漫的表像幻滅之後,男性間的同性社群慾望如何取而代之,形成國家主義同質論述中的一種另類現象。論文第三章探討《迦太基人》劇中的性∕別政治,本章先比較該劇中男女角色的異同,再討論劇中的酷兒角色如何解構國家主義。論文第四章將基於前幾章所得到的結論,把麥基尼斯的劇作放在愛爾蘭從解殖民轉向全球化的發展脈絡中檢視,探討國家主義與性慾在這個新時代中有了何種新的關係。論文第五章為結論,本章將以「怪胎∕異愛爾蘭(queer Ireland)」一詞總結本論文的所有論點。


Dependent on post-colonial and queer theories, this study assesses the nexus between nationalism and sexuality in the plays of Frank McGuinness, a contemporary Irish writer. The first introductory chapter reviews current literature concerning gender and sexuality in modern nationalism and examines the validity of such cultural theories specifically to political events and literary works in Ireland. The second chapter discusses McGuinness’s play Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Toward the Somme. I will discuss how modern nationalism becomes a patriarchal construction in the play and how romantic illusions of nationalism are replaced by homosocial desires, an alternative choice in the homogeneous discourse of nationalism. The third chapter discusses gender and sexual politics in McGuinness’s Carthaginians. I first compare and contrast male and female characters in the play, and then discuss how the queer character deconstructs modern nationalism. Based on the conclusions of previous chapters, the fourth chapter will examine McGuinness’s plays in the context of Ireland’s move from anti-colonization to globalization and explore the new relationship between nationalism and sexuality in the new age. Finally, the conclusive chapter will propose the term “queer Ireland” to summarize the main points of this study.


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