  • 期刊


以生命故事敘說研究法探討日語教育者的變化─以海外移動經驗對其教學與研究的影響為中心─|Transformation of a Japanese Language Educator from a Life Story Research viewpoint-The Influence of Moving Overseas on Education and Research-




本稿以生命故事敘說研究方法分析探討某日語教育者海外移動經驗,對其教學及研究層面帶來的影響。研究對象為一名日語教育經歷40餘年的日籍男性教育學者,從訪談語料整理出16段的語錄,聚焦於個人的變化,分析探討得知海外移動歷程深厚影響日後的要素如下:「多元文化體認」、「遇見恩師以及連繫」、「跨領域的融合體驗」、「海外的TA體驗」、「人格特徵」等諸多要素。由於留學環境以及教職職場皆為多元語言使用的環境,加諸跨領域的學習經驗,培養出融合學術的觀點,同時透過TA的教學經驗,體驗面對來自多樣性背景學生的教學,影響了他成為包容多樣性的教育者。另外,遇見恩師,保持聯繫,以及個人特徵等要素影響日後的變化甚大。這些都與日後在教學與研究上的變化有深厚的關聯。|This paper is analyzed and examined by using the method of life story research to illustrate the influence of overseas movement on a Japanese language teacher's transformation. The subject of the study was one Japanese male teacher with more than 40 years of Japanese language teaching experience, and 16 stories were extracted from the interview data. As a result of the analysis that was focused on the individual transformation of this teacher, it became clear that various factors such as "multicultural experience," "encounter and connection with teachers," "interdisciplinary fusion experience," "overseas TA experience" and "characteristics of personality (intrinsic qualities)" had a great influence on the process of moving overseas. He has become an educator who accepts the diversity of learners from his TA experience, as he has cultivated an interdisciplinary perspective through his experience of living in a multilingual environment at his study abroad destination and work place, as well as his experience of learning in different fields. It turns out that meeting and connecting with a mentor teacher, and characteristics of personality are also major factors in his transformation, and it can be read that these factors are also related to education and research.


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