  • 期刊


Invisible City-dweller vs. Politics of Citizenship: The Aporia of Negative Political Paradigm and the Thesis of Universality


由於勞動力的需求,台灣近三十年引入大量外籍勞工。截至2017 年底為止,台灣官方統計顯示在產業界以及社福界的藍領外籍勞工人數已經高達671,228 人,比起五十四萬人的原住民人口還要多。此外,逃離雇主而成為無證件外勞的人數高達52,322,無國籍兒童亦有7,929人。這些有證件或是無證件的外籍勞工並無法完全獲得勞基法的保護,時常被虐待,無法爭取共居社會應有的承認與平等權利,甚至構成了被合法化的現代奴隸制度。這些居住於此處卻不被看到,也無法平等參與社會的隱形社群,構成了新自由主義時期的內部殖民體制,不僅是底層人民之外的底層,也挑戰了共同體公民權的問題。本文探討這個屬於此地卻又不被計算的隱形居民,以甚麼方式暴露了邊界政治與公民排除的負向政治範式,以及我們要如何以哲學思考與理論實踐回應這個問題。本文提問起點,在於當前新自由主義社會的資本流動如何促成了勞工的大量移動,以及公民排除的操作機制如何與當代全球化新自由主義社會的無意識負向政治範式共構,從而對應於各種隱形居民而形成了新奴隸制度與內部殖民體系。為了進行上述問題的理論分析與實踐模式,本文首先藉由馬札德拉與尼爾森所分析的物流系統與後勤部署(logistics),解釋這個全球操作系統。其次,本文梳理了法國哲學家巴里巴爾與巴迪烏的相關論點,討論這兩位積極介入隱形居民以及邊界政治的思想家,如何以理論化的方式,分析這個屬於此地卻又不被計算的隱形居民問題,以及如何提出他們的解決方案。本文指出,巴里巴爾與巴迪烏各自針對普遍性命題而展開的辯論,在巴里巴爾所提出的邊界民主化以及巴迪烏的拓撲集合論與數學本體論之處,形成了獨特的理論結盟。最後,本文回到中文脈絡,指出章太炎曾經提出的經緯組織以及河床空處的構想,恰恰以結合莊子與佛教思想的觀點,解釋了巴里巴爾與巴迪烏的動態普遍性以及拓撲理論構想。本文提議將台灣視為經緯組織以及河床空處的動態拓撲空間,以便能夠重新思考平等公民的可能性。


According to the statistics of the Workforce Development Agency of Taiwan, there are 671,228 migrant laborers, particularly from Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand, in Taiwan by the end of November 2017. This number is much higher than the population of the indigenous people in Taiwan. There are also increasing numbers of undocumented migrant workers, as reported by the National Immigration Agency, and the number of reported runaways or 'missing workers' has reached 52,322 in December 2017. We are also informed that there are more than 7929 stateless orphans in Taiwan, with no social welfare, such as health care or education system. These documented or undocumented migrant workers are not protected by Basic Labor Law in Taiwan, not recognized as citizen, and even their basic human rights can be easily violated and thus ended up as victims of a legalized modern slavery system. The increasing population of this type of invisible community, who live and work in the same city but cannot participate and do not have the same basic rights, has posited a serious challenge to the concept of citizenship and manifested a new form of internal colonialism. This essay argues that the situations of the migrant laborers is comparable to modern slavery and the emerging form of internal colonialism are costructured by the global chain of logistics that links the flow of capital, the flow of human labors, the local agencies and juridical systems, and the apparatus of civic exclusion. I call it the unconscious operation of the negative political paradigm in the neoliberal society. Through looking into Sandro Mezzadra and Brett Neilson's concept of logistics, Etienne Balibar's critiques of border politics, Alain Badiou's set theory and mathematic ontology, as well as late Qing scholar Zhang Taiyan's theory of the empty riverbed as the metaphor of the topological space for all citizens. This paper proposes to view Taiwan as a dynamic topological site for constant re-composition so as to re-envision the possibility for equal citizenship.


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