  • 期刊

Ultrastructual Study on the Pollen-Microbial Interactions



以高解像力(2-3 A)的穿透式電子顯微鏡來研究黃花唐松化花粉(Thalictrum flavum)與微小真菌(Gliocladium roseum)之間的相互作用,所的結果如下:1.花粉外壁與真菌細胞壁的最外層具有相同的電子緻密度。2.以較高放大倍率觀察真菌的原生質體,可發現內質網。3.由穿透式電子顯微鏡觀察結果,可得知細菌可能在花粉與微生物交互作用之間扮演一重要的角色。4.花粉壁可為真菌分泌的酵素所分解。5.花粉外壁的最堅硬的外層也可被酵素所分解。6.在高放大倍率觀察下,花粉外壁與真菌細胞壁的最外部分構造相似,且在某些情況下兩者不易區分。7.花粉與微生物之間,經酵素分解作用後,可發現直徑2-4A之微細管道,此微細管道系統也可在真菌細胞壁上觀察到,其可能與酵素的擴散有關。


The interactions between the pollen grains of Thalictrum flavum, and the microscopical fungi of Gliocladium roseum were investigated with a TEM instrument of high resolution (2-3 A). The results are the following: 1. The pollen coat and the outermost part of the fungal cell wall have the same electron density. 2. The endoplasmatic reticulum can be demonstrated in the highly magnified pictures of the fungal protoplasm. 3. On the basis of the new TEM data, it is possible that the bacterial action plays an important role in the investigated microbial-pollen interaction. 4. The pollen coat is easily digested by the enzymes of the microbial organisms. 5. The outermost surface of the tectum is also degradable enzymatically. 6. On high magnification the outermost part of the fungal cell wall, and the tectum is very similar. At this biopolymer level, in some cases it is not easy to distinguish them. 7. In consequence of the microbial-pollen interactions enzymatically exposed microchannels of 2-4 A in diameter were also discovered. Similar, but more characteristic system was observed on the fungal cell wall. This may play a role in the diffusion of the enzyme.
