  • 期刊

Current Status of the Systematics of Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) with Special Reference to the Himalayan Species in India



黃蓍為豆科中最多樣複雜的屬之一。雖然過去已有不少相關研究,但至今仍未有處理全世界全部種類的該屬專論,僅有地區性的屬誌或訂正,其最大原因應為該屬種類太多(約3000種),變異也很大所致。黃蓍屬在生活型、生育地、植株大小、毛被、托葉、葉軸、花序、花瓣長、果莢形態等都有相當程度的變異。傳統上黃蓍屬可被分為8到10個亞屬,約245個節。近年的分子譜系分析結果顯示,黃蓍各亞屬和其中較大的節都不是單源群;但除少數例外之外,整個屬則可視為一單源群。根據這些結果可以發現黃蓍屬植物的染色體數目與其地理分布有相當程度的關聯。目前在印度黃蓍屬植物大約有80種,大多集中在喜馬拉雅山區,但除了本研究群,本屬在“英屬印度植物誌”發表之後,鮮少有進行相關研究。整體而言黃蓍屬的經濟重要性沒有很高,除了在伊朗、中國有中藥黃蓍胶的買賣。在印度,A. candolleanus則是被用於治療肺結核、皮膚病、咳嗽、淨血之藥-”Rudanti”和”Rudravanti”。本文為有關黃蓍屬分類研究之整理,特別提供了印度產本屬植物的資訊,以供後續相關研究者的參考。


分類學 譜系關係 黃蓍屬 印度 豆科


Astragalus is considered one of the most diverse genera in the family Leguminosae (nom. alt. Fabaceae). Although a large number of works have been carried out on the genus, no monograph is available except some regional accounts and revisions chiefly at sectional level. It may be due to the sheer size of the genus (ca. 3000 spp.) and diverse nature, the genus is quite variable in habit and habitats, size of the plants, nature of indumentums, stipules, leaf rachis, types of inflorescence, relative length of petals, pods etc. Usually, genus is divided into eight to ten subgenera and more than 245 sections. In recently conducted molecular phylogenetic studies it has been shown that none of the subgenera and large sections are monophyletic. However, it has been clearly demonstrated that Astragalus is monophyletic except some outlier species. The chromosome numbers are also quite interesting and significant in Astragalus for its phylogenetic studies. There is a strong correlation between its geographic distribution and chromosome numbers. Currently about 80 species have been recorded from India chiefly from the Himalayas. Except some of our recent publications, not much studies have been carried out on the genus in India after 'The Flora of British India'. Astragalus is not of much economic importance, however, some of its species are well known for commercial gum tragacanth production especially in Iran and China. In India, A. candolleanus is a well known drug as 'Rudanti' or 'Rudravanti' used for tuberculosis, skin diseases, coughs and blood purifier. The aim of this article is to review the entire work carried out on Astragalus and to bring out scattered information at one place for better understanding of the subject and to find out the future prospective of the research in India on the genus.


Taxonomy Phylogeny Astragalus India Leguminosae
