  • 學位論文

豆莢螟(Maruca vitrata (Fabricius))在台灣屏東地區二種豆科作物上之發生與寄主偏好性

The Host Preference and Occurrence of Maruca vitrata (Fabricius) on Two Legume Crops in Pingtung, Taiwan

指導教授 : 張念台


豆莢螟(Maruca vitrata (Fabricius))為熱帶與亞熱帶地區之豆科作物主要害蟲之ㄧ,廣泛分布於台灣、大陸(亞洲)、布吉納法索(非洲)、澳洲與波多黎各(美洲)。近年來嚴重危害台灣南部之豆科經濟作物,本研究探討屏東地區豆莢螟之取食及產卵偏好性與其於紅豆與毛豆田間之發生狀況。以田菁(Sesbania cannabina)、紅豆(Vigna angularis)、毛豆(Glycine max (L.) Merrill)與豇豆(Vigna unguiculata)之葉片測試豆莢螟各齡幼蟲之取食偏好性,結果一至五齡幼蟲取食田菁葉片的比例分別為71.3%、73.4%、72.1%、61.6%與51.9%,均顯著高於各齡對紅豆、毛豆與豇豆等葉片之取食比例。豆莢螟各齡幼蟲對紅豆植株不同部位(葉、花、豆莢)取食偏好測試顯示初齡至三齡幼蟲主要取食花器(分別佔受測蟲的81.4%、78.9%與67.4%),四齡與五齡幼蟲則主要取食紅豆的花(43.5%、43.7%)與豆莢(41.8%、43.1%),而五齡幼蟲平均會危害13.4 朵花,為其他各蟲齡之5 到50倍,且佔幼蟲總危害花數之69.6%。雌蟲對於紅豆及毛豆苗二者之產卵偏好並無差異,而統計此二作物不同部位的卵數,結果雌蟲在紅豆與毛豆老葉上之產卵數皆為0.5 粒/♀蟲,顯著高於嫩葉、生長點及莖部之卵數。而二作物葉背之平均產卵量則分別為3.9 與3.3 粒/♀蟲,顯著高於葉表。而比較苗期、開花期與結莢期紅豆植株上的卵數分別為1.3、3.9、1.8 粒卵/♀蟲,開花期植株上之卵數顯著較多。另在24℃定溫下餵食紅豆花的豆莢螟其各齡之發育總日數(23.2 日)短於以紅豆嫩葉餵食者(26.8 日)。2010 年秋作調查九如地區未施藥管理的紅豆田顯示族群發生數量最多之鱗翅目幼蟲為豆莢螟(平均密度0.80 隻/株),而其他如台灣黃毒蛾(Porthesia taiwana)、斜紋夜蛾(Spodoptera litura)、小白紋毒蛾(Orgyia postica)、三紋螟蛾(Omiodes indicata)及柑毒蛾(Dasychira mendosa)等之發生均少,而豆莢螟之幼蟲族群自紅豆播種後第三週開始發生,於第十一週達到最高峰(1.97 隻/株)。田間紅豆植株不同生長部位(葉片、花、豆莢)上的調查顯示豆莢螟幼蟲多發生於花器(58.5%)及豆莢(24.1%),而台灣黃毒蛾、斜紋夜蛾、小白紋毒蛾、三紋螟蛾與柑毒蛾等幼蟲則主要發生於葉片。另外,田間豆莢螟亦如室內偏好測試,初齡至三齡幼蟲在花上的發生率高達78.0%,四齡幼蟲在花與豆莢上的平均發生率為76.5%,五齡幼蟲則為80.6%。高雄區農業改良場與屏東縣九如鄉2009 ~2010 年春秋二作毛豆田的調查顯示,無論施藥與否豆莢螟於春作甚少發生,而秋作的密度亦低,未發現對毛豆生產造成嚴重影響之鱗翅目蟲群。由於豆莢螟幼蟲明顯偏好取食危害紅豆之花及豆莢,且紅豆花期長,在結莢時亦持續開花,同時雌蟲偏好產卵於開花植株,故在紅豆田幼蟲可持續發生及為害,若未即時進行藥劑防治,易影響紅豆之產量及品質。


豆莢螟 取食偏好 產卵偏好


The legume pod borer (LPB), Maruca vitrata (Fabricius) is a major pest of legumes in the tropics and sub-tropics. It spread in Taiwan, China (Asia), Burkina Faso (Africa), Australia and Puerto Rico (America). Recently, M. vitrata damaged economic leguminous crops seriously in southern Taiwan. The objectives of this research were to investigate the feeding preference, oviposition preference of M. vitrata, and to compare the population occurrence of this pest in the field between adzuki bean (Vigna angularis) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill). The results of feeding preference showed the 5 instars of LPB larvae prefer feeding on Sesbania cannabina (89.7%, 87.2%, 82.4%, 69.8% and 54.8%) were significantly higher than feeding on adzuki bean, soybean and cowpea. Feeding preference test with three parts (leaf, flower and pod) of adzuki bean showed the 1st to 3rd instar larvae were mainly infested on adzuki bean flowers (97.8%, 96.3% and 85.2% of all tested larvae, respectively), and the 4th to 5th instars larvae preferred on flowers (47.4%、47.8%) and pods (44.4%、46.7%). The average number of flowers damaged by 5th instar occupied 69.6% of the total damaged flowers caused by larval stage that were 5-50 folds higher than other instars. The oviposition preference of the LPB female implied not significant difference between adzuki bean and soybean seedlings. Compare the number of eggs laid at different parts of adzuki bean and soybean showed eggs on old leaf of adzuki bean and soybean (0.5, 0.5 eggs/female) were significantly higher than on leaf-folded, growth point and stem. In addition, the average number of eggs on back leaf of adzuki bean and soybean (3.9 and 3.3 eggs/female) were significantly higher than that on above leaf. The average numbers of egg on three growing stages (seedling, flowering and pod) of adzuki bean were 1.3, 3.9 and 1.8 eggs/ female, respectively. The results exhibited female preferred lay eggs at flowering stage. Using adzuki bean flower-rearing the developmental time from larva to adult were 23.2 days which shorter than by using leaf-folded-rearing (26.8 days) under the constant temperature of 24℃. Population survey of lepidopterous larvae in unmanaged adzuki bean field at Jouru area found highest density of lepidopterous larvae is LPB (average density is 0.80/plant). The occurrence of other lepidopterous pest such as Porthesia taiwana, Spodoptera litura, Orgyia postica, Omiodes indicate, and Dasychira mendosa were very few. The occurrence of LPB larvae population started at the 3rd week after the sowing of adzuki bean, and the population reached the highest peak (33.0 larvae/ 30 plants) on the 11th week. Differentiate the kinds and numbers of pests from various parts (leaf, flower and pod) of adzuki bean collected from field showed Porthesia taiwana, Spodoptera litura, Orgyia postica, Omiodes indicate, and Dasychira mendosa were mainly on leaves and LPB were mostly found on flowers (58.5%) and pods (24.1%). Furthermore, the percentage of occurrence for the 1st to 3rd instar larvae was 78.0% on flower, the 4th and 5th instars larvae on flowers and pods were 76.5% and 80.6%, respectively. The surveys were conducted at soybean field in Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research and Extention Station (DARES) and Jouru area during fall and spring crops of 2009-2010. The population densities of LPB were very low in both spring and fall crops no matter the insecticides were applied or not. The results implied LPB won’t affect the soybean production. The generations of LPB larvae overlapped in adzuki bean field because adzuki bean keeps flowering in pod period, the LPB female adults preferred lay eggs at flowering stage, and LPB larvae significant prefer feeding adzuki bean flowers and pods. If LPB were not controlled by insecticides in time, each instar larvae might cause damage on the production and quality of adzuki bean.


栽培改善策略。台南區農業改良場研究彙報 39: 11- 22。
