  • 期刊


Preliminary Report on the Multiplication of the Irish Potato (Solanum Tuberosum) in Early Spring at High Altitude in Taiwan


一、本試驗係於民國39年(1950年)4月10日開始,至同年6月24日結束。馬鈴薯之生長期共計75日。其中降雨日數共計48日,情形詳見附表。試驗所在地爲臺灣省,臺中縣,中峰區,霧社山地,高海拔1273公尺。 二、種薯選別大小二種,重量超過55克者爲大形種薯,不到55克者爲小形種薯。剖切方法係每枚剖切爲四塊,浸藥液處理,係將種薯浸入千分之一Granoson溶液經一分鐘。 三、次形種薯一般較小形種薯之產量爲高。不經剖切種薯之產量,一般較剖切者爲高。種薯浸藥液之產量常較不浸者爲低。 四、摘芽處理者,(每株留芽條二至三枝,共餘用人工摘除。)之產量確不及無摘芽者之高,所產薯塊數量亦較不摘芽爲少,惟所產大形薯塊數量則較無摘芽處理者爲多。 五、如生產食用薯塊,似採用摘芽處理較爲有利。因摘芽後所產大形薯塊較多,大形薯塊之經濟價值較高。反之如生產薯種爲目的,則不妨探用無摘芽處理,使產生多量之薯塊。 六、無人工摘芽時,小形種薯不浸藥液,不剖切者產薯總數最高平均每株14.3枚,次爲大形種薯不浸藥液,不剖切12.3枚;最少者爲小形種薯,剖切浸藥液者7.3枚。產量亦以小形種薯,不剖切,不浸藥液者爲最高,平均每株產626.25克;次爲大形種薯,不剖切,不浸藥,產量爲562.50克。產量最少者爲小形種薯,不部切,浸藥液者270.00克。所產大形種薯,以不剖切,不浸藥液之大形種薯爲最多,平均每株產大形薯塊2.1枚;次爲大形種薯,不剖切浸藥液者1.9枚;最少者爲小形種薯,未剖切,浸藥液者,平均每株產大形種薯0.6枚;次爲小形種薯,切閒,不浸藥液者0.7枚。 七、人工摘芽後,產薯數量最多者,爲大形種薯,切開,不浸藥液,平均每株產薯8.7枚;其次爲小形種薯,不切開,不浸藥液者,每株產8.5枚。產薯數量最少者,爲小形種薯,切開浸藥液者,平均每株產5.6枚;其次爲小形種薯,切開不浸藥液,及大形種薯,不切開,不浸藥液者,平均每株產6.0枚。產量最高者爲大形種薯,切開,浸藥液,平均每株產318.75克;其次爲大形,不切,不浸賽藥液者,262.50克。最少者爲小形種薯,切開,浸藥液,平均每株產153.75克;其次爲小形,切開,不浸藥液,及小形,不切開,浸藥者,平均每林產228.75克。產大形薯塊量多者,爲大形種薯,切開,浸藥液,平均每株產大形薯塊2.7枚;其次爲大形及小形種薯之不切開,不浸藥液者,2.3枚;最少以小形種薯,切開,浸藥液者,平均每株產大形薯塊2.7枚;其次爲小形種薯,切開,不浸藥液者,產1.6枚。 八、據本試驗結果之分析,不論人工摘茅或無人工摘芽處理,亦不論以廉量,產薯數,或生產大形薯塊而言,欲繁殖馬鈴薯,如採用小形種薯時,不宜剖切,亦不可作浸藥液處理;如採用大形種薯時,似不宜採用剖切,亦不浸藥。 九、一般而言,繁殖馬鈴薯如採用小形種薯時,似以不切開,不浸藥液之產量,薯數及所產之大形薯塊較爲有利;如採用大形種薯,則以採用切開,浸藥,或不切開,不浸藥者較佳。 十、本試驗因種薯題到稍遲,下種時間亦延遲,又在生長期內遭過大量雨水,(生長期75天下倆48天),對產量不無影響,特爲說明。 工作期間,承仁愛鄉鄉公所農業指導員林光宏君,熱心襄助田間試驗,農業試驗所技士郭國柱君,協助進行,謹此申致謝意。 (表格略)




1. This experiment was carried out at Wushu at an altitude of 1273 meters on the 10th of April, 1950 and ended on the 24th of June, 1950. The total length of the growing season of the crop was 75 days of which there were 48 rainy days. 2. The seed potato, Irish Cobbler, imported directly from Japan, was employed as the material for this experiment. Seed potatoes were separated into 2 classes (large and small size) i. e. the tuber weight over 55 grains artificially assumed as large size; in each classes, there were two kinds of treatment, name'y, one tuber cut into four pieces and non-cut; in each kind of treatment, two groups were used, one dipped into 0.1% Granoson for 1 minute and non-dipping, thinning and non-thinning were applied at the same time. 3. It was found that the large sized tuber generally produced higher yield than those of small size, non cut and non-dipping produced more crop than those of cut and dipped. 4. Thinning was accomplished by hand after one month of planting. The thinned plots decidedly produced less crop than those of non-thinned, but it produced more large sized tubers than those of non-thinned plot. 5. It was suggested that thinning should be employed if the purpose of the planting is for vegetable market, and the non-thinning ought be used when it is for the supply of seed potatoes. 6. Generally speaking, it was found in this experimeut that in referring to the yieled and number of large sized tuber produced the cut and dipping probably should be avoided regardless where it is thinning or non-thinning and the tuber is large or small size.


