  • 期刊


An Investigation on Lime Requirement for Rice on Acid Soils in Taiwan (No. 2)


本文爲報告臺北、汐止、新店、新竹、苗栗、桃園(1)桃園(2)八德、中壢、湖口十地施用石灰對於水稻產量之影響。此十地之中,前七地爲砂岩、頁岩質之沖積土,後三者爲紅壤,各地土壤之反應自強酸性至微酸性,其pH值自4.5至6.3。 每一地之試驗分爲二組,一組施化學肥料其施量N,P2O5,K2O各爲80公斤/公頃,另一組施用自給肥料,各地略有出入,大率爲10,000-15,000公斤/公頃,石灰之施用量分爲四級,即每公頃施用0噸,1噸,2噸及3噸。 除田間栽培試驗外,試驗田土壤之理化性亦曾加以研究,今將研究結果提要如下: 1.在旅用化學肥料的情形下,因施用石灰而致之穀增產量在統計分析上達差異顯著的水準者,有四處,即臺北、汐止、桃園(黃依年農場)及新店;對藥之增產量在統計上達差異顯著者無。在施用自給肥料部份,因施用石灰而致之穀增產量,在統計上差異顯著者凡七處,即臺北、八德、汐止、桃園(1)桃園(2)中壢及新店;藥之增產達差異顯著水準者則有五處,卽臺北、桃園、新店、新竹及瑚口。 2.在施用化學肥料時,穀之增產量當石灰施用量爲1噸/公頃時,平均在9%左右,2噸/公頃時、爲10%,3噸/公頃時,爲23%;藥之增產量則各爲4%,4%,6%。在施用自給肥料時,穀之增產隨石灰施用量之增加各爲8%,17%,21%,藥則各爲7%,18%,及23%。 3.土壤施用1-3噸/公頃之石灰後,其pH提高到微酸性或中性,但經過一造栽培之後,施用之石灰大部流失,凡施用石灰1-2噸/公噸者,其土壤之pH降落到原來之pH值。故連年適量施用石灰,似無引起過量石灰(overliming)之虞。 4.加用石灰後,土壤有機質有被分解之趨勢,在施用自給肥料之情形下,更爲顯明,然其損失量,不過0.1-0.6%,而以0.2-0.3%爲多。 5.加用石灰後土壤中有效性燐酸量增高,但經一造耕作後,隨土壤pH之降低,有效性燐酸量亦隨之減低。自給肥料中所含之燐酸似可避免土壤之固定作用,故其有效性似亦較化學肥料中者爲高。 6.加用石灰後,土壤之有效性鉀素與未施啊灰者並無差。 7.石灰對於水稻增產之效果,似與土壤之肥沃度有關,凡土壤肥沃或施用大量有效性化學肥料者,效果常小;反之,凡土壤瘠瘦或僅施用緩效性之自給肥料者,其效果甚著。 8.pH低之土壤常屬瘠土,故石灰之效應甚著。但水稻對於土壤反應之適應範圍似甚廣,土壤之pH與水稻之石灰需要量無顯著關係。 9.石灰對於水稻增產之原因,由於其(1)供給有效性鈣,(2)減少燐酸之被固定,(3)分解有機質,供給有效性氨。後二者較爲重要,而以(3)爲最主要之原因。 10.作者等認爲在酸性而疾瘠之土壤栽培水稻,在施用化學肥料及有機肥料之外,如更施用適量之石灰,頗屬有利。




This paper is to report the experimental results of the effect of lime on the yield of rice acid properties of soils conducted at ten -localities, namely, Taipei, Hsichih, Shindiann, Shinchu, Miaoli, Tauyung, Tauyung, Pateh, Chunli and Hukou. The soils of the former seven localities are alluvial soils of sandstone and shale materials and those of the later three ones are alluvial soils of the deluvial deposit. Their reactions are from very acid to slightly acid with pH values 'from 4.5 to 6.3. Each experiment consists of two series, one with chemical fertilizer at the rate of 80 kilograms of N, P2O5 and K2O Per hectare, the another with local manure at the rate of 10,000 to 15,000 kilograms per hectare. Four lime levels were used in both series alike, namely, 0, 1, 2 and 3 tons per hectare. In addition to field experiments, soils were sampled from the experimental fields for chemical and physical studies. The results may be summarized as follows: 1. In the chemical fertilizer series, there are four localities, Taipeh, Hsichih, Tauyung(superscript *) and Shindiann, where the response of rice grain to lime reaches the significant level of difference by analysis of variance, but for the response of straw there is none. In the local manure series, there are seven localities, Taipeh, Pateh, Hsichih, Tauyung, Tauyung(superscript *), Chunli and Shindiann, where the response of rice grain to lime reaches the significant level of difference and for the increase of straw there are only five localities, Taipeh, Tauyung, Shindiann, Shinchu and Hukou. 2. In the chemical fertilizer series, the average increase of rice grain are about 9% for 1 ton of lime per hectare, 10% for 2 tons of lime per hectare and 23% for 3 tons of lime per hectare, while the corresponding increase of straw are only 4%, 4% and 6% respectively. In the local manure series, the average increase of rice grain are 8%, 17% and 21%, and that of the straw are 7%, 18% and 23%. The response of rice to lime seems more apparently in local manure series than in the chemical fertilizer series. 3. The application of 1 to 3 tons of lime per hectare raises the pH values of all the soils to slightly acid and neutral, but the plots receiving 1 to 2 tons of lime restore to their original pH after one cropping season due to the intense leaching away of bases, mainly calcium, under the paddy field condition. It seems that there is no danger to cause overliming with moderate application of lime continuously or alternately as the case may be. 4. Lime tends to decompose the soil organic matter. The tendency is more apparent with the application of local manure, but even with local manure the loss of organic matter is very little, generally from 0.1% to 0.6%, and mostly from 0.2% to 0.3%.It suggested that under proper soil management with annual addition of organic manure, lime would not lower the organic matter level of the soil to such an extent as to detoriate the soil productivity as generally believed, because 10,000 kilograms of manure per hectare supply to the surface soil about 0.4% of organic matter. 5. Lime gratly increases the amount of available phosphorus of the soils. After one cropping season, however, the available phosphorus again decreases in accordance with the lowering of the pH values dus to phosphorus fixation. The phosphorus in the organic manure seems less easily to be fixed and therefore more than that in the chemical fertilizers. 6. The effect of lime on the available potash of the soils were not found in these experiments. 7. The response of rice to lime seems directly related with the general fertility of the soils. Cn very. fertile soils receiving sufficient available plant nutrients such as in form of chemical fertilizer, it does not response to the lime so much as on the infertile soils or soil receiving only some organic manue. 8. SoiIs of low pH values are generally poor soils. Therefore rice usually responds to lime on acid soils. But there is no relationship existing the pH values of the soils and their lime requirements for growing rice, since the adaptability of rice to soil reactions is very wide. 9. Thc causes of increase of rice yield by lime may be attributed to (1)the supply of available calcium, (2)reduce of the available phosphorus fixation, and (3)the decomposition of organic matter, hence the release of available nitrogen. The latter two may be the important causes. 10. The authors suggested that in addition to the application of chemical fertilizers and manures, the practice of liming is advisable and should be included in the rice farming system, particularly on acid and poor soils.


