  • 期刊


An Observation on the Vernalization Results of Taiwan Wheat


(1)本試驗係根據前人研究,小麥Harvest-green品種,生長于高溫及日照下,則從株旁生出許多嫩條,收量降低,後使該值物幼苗,生長在溫度7.2-10℃及日照8-10小時之環境下,經45日後,繼以高溫及長日照,則結實繁多,成熟期亦可提早。 (2)豪灣小麥品種,常因生育初期之高溫遭遇而生育反常,主稈充分伸長,分蘗延緩,生育不齊,迄收穫期殘留許多青穗,收量降低,憶想在種子發芽初期,予以低溫刺激,或能彌補此項缺點。 (3)供試品種共計十一種: 1.埼玉27號 2.江島神力 3.臺中2號 4.臺中7號 5.臺中18號 6.臺中19號 7.臺中21號 8.臺中25號 9臺中30號 10.臺中31號 11.南育33號。 冷藏處理日數,分爲5平準;1.冷藏5天 2.冷藏10天 3.冷藏20天 4.冷藏25天 5.對照(不經冷藏)冷藏低溫千均爲8℃ (4)由試驗結果觀察,得下列各項結論:- 甲、由5日處理以迄10日、20日、25日,處理日數愈長,優動反應項目愈多。反應性狀中似提早抽穗最爲顯著,始穗期提早3天爲衆數,齊種期提早5-6天爲眾數。 乙、春化處理臺灣小麥,可以使一部分早熟品種,株高降低,抑制主穗加速伸長,增加有効分蘖,提軍始穗期及提早齊穗期,補救生育初期氣候上之不適宜遭遇。(尤其高溫遭遇)但其反應情形,依品種而有程度上之不同。 丙、本省目前盛行推廣之埼玉27號、臺中31號、臺中2號、以其適應性較強,對外界感應較鈍,故對於春化處理優勢反應甚少,且種子收量因處理而減少。 丁、「江島神力」爲略帶冬播性之品種,本年試驗結果經幼日冷藏處理者,誶聽期提早11天,且種子教量亦有增加。但本年未能超過臺中2號、埼玉27號、臺中31號之正常產量。 戊、臺中21號、臺中25號、臺中19號、臺中18號、臺中30號,爲本省小麥早熱品種,對春化處理,表現有利反應項目較多,處理後一般情形,爲株高降低,有劫分麋增加,始穗明提早,齊德明提早,25日處理後,一般種子收量均有增進。可能由于抽穗成熟比較齊一之故。 已、臺中7號經處理後,反應情形甚不整齊,抽穗期提早亦不顯著。 庚、本試驗僅爲一年初步觀察結果,除證明本省早熟小麥品種,可以春化處理補救生育初期之高溫威脅外,擬繼蹟以晚熟豐產品種,作春化處理,以謀提早抽穗成熟,而用爲臭作栽培,鷥純收益增進之期望。




The present report is a preliminary investigation on the vernalization results of Taiwan wheat after the Lysenko's pre-treatment method of seeds, conducted in Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute from winter 1949 to spring 1950. According to Lysenko's theory, tie growing season of the herbs may be divided into two stages: (1) the thermo-stage and (2) the photo-stage. If those conditions are not to be supplied, the growing phenomenon will be abnormal. The thermo-stage of Taiwan wheat is from October to December. The temperature of each month influences very much the vital-function of wheat. If the average temperature per month is only 2℃ higher than the ordinary year, (2℃ higher than the same monthly mean temperature for the past 5 years average.) a part of Taiwan wheat will grow abnormally. 11 extension varieties of Taiwan wheat have been treated with low Temperature so as to render them to grow uniformly. Before sowing, 4 treatments in low temperature store have been used to treat the little budding seeds of wheat, namly: (a) 5-day treatment (b) 10-day treatment (c) 20-day treatment and (d) 25-day treatment at 8℃. The effect we have found may be stated as follows:- 1. Among the 4 treatments in cold storage, the longer the period is, the more the positive items are there. 25-day cold storage appeared to be the most efficient treatment. 2. From this experiment, the variety ”Chiang-tao-shang-li” (江島神力) shows the following results: When 5-day cold storage was taken, the heading time was 16 days earlier than the check; and after 20-day cold storage, the heading time was 11 days earlier than the check, and the yield was also greater than the check. Moreover, after 25-day cold storage, the yields of Tai-chung No. 7, No. 18, No. 19, No. 21, No. 25, and No. 30 (all are early varieties) increased also, and the heading time was 2-8 days earlier than the check. But the three generally extension Varieties Saitama No. 27, Taichung No. 2, and Taichung No. 31, appeared to be not sensitive to the treatment. 3. In general, after treatment the mode of heading period is always 5-6 days earlier than the check. 4. In short, from the results of the whole experiment, we find that the pre-treatment of vernalization on Taiwan wheat can effect a part of the varieties early heading, uniform growing, and stable yielding is coincided with the results of the previous reserchs on the similar subject.


