  • 期刊

臺灣南部馬鈴薯種薯節約方法之研究 第一報 種薯大小及株距疏密之初步比較試驗

A Study on the Thrifty Use of Seed Potatoes in South Taiwan Ⅰ. Comparative Test on the Size of Seed Pieces and the Spacing between Seed Pieces


1.本試驗就臺灣南部冬季栽培馬鈴薯之條件,光依種薯大小及株距疏密,探討節約馬鈴薯之合理方法。 2.試驗材料爲男爵(Irish Cobber)品種之種薯。 3.試驗方法採用複因子隨機區組設計,種薯處理分57g.及85g.二平準,株距處理分20cm.及60cm.三平準,共6處理組合,隨機排列,重複四次。 4.臺灣南部栽培馬鈴薯,於時期及時間上,適可利用水田與水稻行輪栽。 5.試驗結果以變量分析法分析各處理間產量之差異,雖在株距處理間及種薯處理間均表顯著,但此並非即證明栽培上屬於有利,而如差異不顯著時,卻即可證明用大種薯密株距之不利;又連應間差異不顯著,正說明種薯愈大而株距愈密者愈爲不利。 6.種薯之大小以用85g.者較57g.者不經濟,其間又以株距密者爲甚,蓋產量雖依85g.區有較多之傾向,然其產量之增加並不隨種薯重量成正比例增加85g.區之產量減去大量種薯之後,則其增產量及增產率遠遜於57g.區。 7.株距之疏密以20cm.區之種薯用量及產量均最高,然以同大之種薯,如僅增加株距密度,對於增產量而言,並無若何效果,對於增產率而言,則株距愈密者愈低,其趨勢正如上述增大種薯之傾向相同,散株距以20cm.者最不合算,尤以大種薯區更不合算。 8.產品等級參照臺灣馬鈴薯市場商情而論,無論種薯大小,均以株距60cm.區之上等薯百分比最高,下等薯百分比最低,20cm.區則反之。 9.以本試驗之結果,與在臺彎南部冬季栽培馬鈴薯條件而論,以57g.種薯植於60cm.×60cm.=360平方公分.之植距內較其他各種處理爲適合;即在節約種薯之前提下,吾人已獲有一概念:寧以較小之種薯植於較大之植距,使各植株根部有充分之生育環境,以發揮種薯之能力爲得策。(四十年七月於鳳山)




1. This experiment deals with the reasonable method of the thrifty use of seed potatoes, according to the size of seed pieces and the spacing between seed pieces, under condition of the winter time in South Taiwan. 2. The variety of the potato used in this experiment is Irish Cobber. 3. Rondomized block design was adopted. The sizes of seed pieces were treated in to two levels, 57 gram and 85 gram. The spacing between seed pieces was divided into three levels, viz: 20 cm, 40 cm. and 60 cm. Altogether 6 treatment combinations comprise a block, and were Random arranged, replicated 4 times. 4. In planting Irish potato in South Taiwan, winter is a proper season as well as a suitable growing pericd to utilize the field by rotation with rice. 5. As to the size of seed piece, the 85 gram one is uneconomic as compared with the 57 gram, the smaller the spacing the great the uneconomic. The yield in the 85 gram plot higher; however, the increase in yield is not proportional to the increased amount of the seed potato used. After minus the large amount of seed potato from the yield of the 85 plot, it increasement in yield and the percentage of in creasement is, as compared with the 57 gram plot, is much lower. 6. In the 20 cm. spacing plot, both the amount of seed potato used and its yield are the highest. By using the same size tuber, that increasing the density of crops per unit gives no effect to the increasement of yield. As for the percentage of yield increasement, the 60 cm. plot is the largest. The closer the spacing the lower the yield. This tendency is just the same as that of the seed pieces already stated before. Therefore the 20 cm. plot is the most unprofitable, especially the large sized tuber plot. 7. Tuber are graded according to the marketing of the Taiwan potato market, either the 57 gram seed piece plot or the 85 gram plot, the 60 cm. spaced plot gives high percentage of first-graded tuber and the 20 cm. plot vice versa. 8. From the result of the experiment and under the condition in winter time of South Taiwan, the raising of Irish potato is wisely suggested by using 57 gram seed pieces and spacing 60 cm. ×60 cm. under this principle of the thrifty use of seed tubers, e have got a general idea: It is prefer to use smaller seed pieces and plant in large spaced area, giving each crop's root a best growing environment to enlarge the energy of the seed tuber is a good policy.


