  • 期刊


An Experiment on the Effect of Dicyandiamide for Rice


1.試驗項目係針對水稻之生育狀況與收獲量來觀察Dicyandiamide之肥效性。 2.共分六期試驗(1952-2nd crop, 1953-1st crop; 1956-1st, 2nd crop; 1957-1st, 2nd crop.) 3.試驗土壤共五種,本所砂岩頁岩質沖積土,桑園砂壤土,平鎭紅壤,永靖粘板岩質沖積土,新營鹽土。 4.試驗地點在本所農化系玻璃室,水稻品種爲臺中65號,九處理二重複。 5.民國41年第二期作試驗分析結果,分蘗比,收谷量,藳收量Ammonium sulfate區都比Dicyandiamide區良好。 6.民42年第一期作Dicyamdiamide區稻收量暫追上Ammoinium sulfate區之趨勢。 7.民45年第一、二期作Dicyandiamide區與Ammonium sulfate區之分蘗情形都良好,且稻谷收量相差無幾。 8.民46年第一、二期作Dicyandiamide區之生育與收量情形,有比Ammonium sulfate區爲良好之效能。茲將各年度各期作試驗結果,綜合如下表成績: (表格略)




1. This experiment is conducted for the purpose of ascertaining the effect of dicyandiamide by means of measuring the plant growth and its crop yield. 2. The entire experiment period covers the following: 1952-2nd crop, 1953-1st crop, 1956-1st and 2nd crop, 1957-1st and 2nd crop. 3. Soils used in the greenhouse experiment includes 1) Sandstone and alluvial soil, 2) The sandy loam of Taipei Sericultual Experimental Station, 3) The lateritic soil of Pingchen, 4) The alluvial soil of Yungching, 5) The alkaline soil of Shanyang. 4. The experiment was conducted in the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute. It Consisted from 9 treatments using Taichung No. 65 Variety. 5. In the second crop in 1952, the crop straw yield and number of tillers of ammonium sulfate were higher than those of dicyandiamide. 6. In the first crop in 1953, the yield of dicyandiamide approached that of ammonium sulfate. 7. In the first and second crop in 1956, the effect of dicyandiamide was comparable with that of ammonium sulfate. 8. In the first and second crop in 1957, the effect of dicyandiamide was better than that of ammonium sulfate.


