  • 期刊


Study on the Effect of Silica on Paddy Rice (Part Ⅱ)


1.盆栽試驗顯示施用鑛滓或膠狀矽酸後-穗重及-枝藳稈平均重量均增,因而其谷藳收量亦獲增加。 2.田間試驗結果表示鑛滓在桃園、臺北及冬山肥效顯著惟其餘各地則否。其稻谷增收程度據桃園、臺北兩地各3年間6期作之試驗結果平均(在氮肥一般施肥量之下)爲9和10%。因石灰石粉效果甚小,該肥效當歸以矽酸爲主要因素。 3.各地鑛滓肥效之有否和藳中SiO2含量之高低有關。肥效顯著者其稻藳矽酸含量概低(如臺北、桃園、羅東均低爲5.5~9.0%)反之則高。(如屏東、嘉義、臺中各試驗地均高,爲9.5~13.5%)。以收穫時之稻藳爲準SiO2 9~10形可爲判定Slag有否肥效之界線。 4.土壤測定結果知酸性之砂岩頁岩質沖積土及紅壤可溶性矽酸含量很低而pH值較高之帖板岩質沖積土,南部之砂岩頁岩質沖積土以及鹽鹼土則含量甚高。Slag之肥效亦於酸性之砂岩頁岩質沖積土及紅壤較有希望。




Numerous literature on the nutritive value of silica to paddy rice was published in Japan. Its favorable effect on rice yield was widely confirmed, especially on the degraded paddy soil and the regions where soil is deficient in available silica or the silica content of irrigation water is low. In this study, the evaluation of its applicability to our paddies has been investigated in rescent years. Both pot and field experiments were employed. The results showed that there were certain experimental localities showing response of paddy yield to the application of silicic slag, however there were also others on which no response was observed. The soils of those experimental localities on which the effect of silica was observed are the acid sandstone and shale alluvial soil of Taipei, the latosol of Taoyuane and the ill-drained paddy soil in Illan. The increase of paddy yield caused by the application was 9% on an average. The effect was particularly significant when rice blast disease occurred. The silica content (in SiO2) of the straw at harvesting time varied from 5% to 14% among different locaties, which reflected possible difference of silica supplying power among the varied kinds of soil. In general, the SiO2 content of the straw obtained from those localities on which silica was proved effective are apparently low (5.5-9.0%) as compared with that obeained from other experimental localities (9.5-14.0%) The SiO2 content of straw and the response of paddy to silica application are, apparently correlated. The content of soluble silica in acid sandstone & shale alluvial soil and latosol was found very low as compared with that in slate alluvial soil, saline soil and mudstone alluvial soil. The content of soluble silica and the soil reaction seemed to be connected.


