  • 期刊


A General Survey of Insect Inhabitants in Mushroom Nurseries


在嘉義、彰化、臺中、桃園及臺北五縣十鄉鎮二十菇舍進行調查洋菇堆肥製作期間及蠢舍中發生之昆蟲之結果如下: l.洋菇堆肥製作期間以掃網調查二次,發生昆蟲六十七種,其中以雙翅目腐生性昆蟲佔絕大多數,絕對密度大附蠅佔90.7%,黑艷蠅2.1%,及捕食性之隱翅蟲佔2.0%。平均每掃捕一百次可得395.8~448.9隻昆蟲。 2.堆肥進入菇舍築床後,以特製之罩網(trap)罩於床上,每隔半個月調查一次,總共發現六十三種,其中包括蟎類十二種,平均相對密度以蟎類最多,佔77.2%,紫跳蟲次之佔15.8%,角跳蟲佔3.8%,大附繩1.9(如不包括蠅類計算在內,則大附蠅之相對密度竟高達61.7%)。各類昆蟲之平均絕對密度,紫跳蟲每平方臺尺有14.1隻,蟎類有68.3隻及其他昆蟲6.7隻。菇床昆蟲發生消長,紫跳蟲在出藷前以迄栽培後期均甚高,角跳蟲則在後期較高,大附蠅以出務前發生較高。 3.菇舍中以誘蟲燈誘集昆蟲計有六十九種,其各類昆蟲之相對密度紫跳蟲達71.3%,大跗蠅12.7爲,角跳蟲8.2%,瘦蠅33%,憶翅蟲2.1%。各主要害蟲之誘蟲燈下之消長,紫跳蟲以十一月份最高,十二月份次之;角跳蟲以十二月及二月下半月後較多;捕食性之隱翅蟲及生活於堆肥中之蠅類(包括癭蠅,黑艷蠅,大附蠅等)均在十二月份以前較高。 4.在二十菇舍抽樣檢查菇體潛附之害蟲,潛入菇體內之癭蠅幼蟲總平均三十粒菇有5.7隻,其季節消長似無差異;菌環及菇柄發現及潛附之害蟲以紫跳蟲最多13.5隻,蟎11.0隻,蟎癭蠅10.4隻。




1. This survey was at made at 20 mushroom nurseries distributed in 10 subdistricts (”Hsiangs” and ”Tsengs”) in Chiayi, Changhwa, Taichung, Taoyuan and Taipei Districts (”Hsiens”) 2. During the process of preparing compost, the insects were sampled and collected by the use of sweeping nets (2 replications). Among the 67 species of insects collected, scavengers were dominant (Sphaereceridae, 90.7; Lonchaeidae 12.1%), while predators followed far behind (staphylinids, 2.0%). In average, each 100 strokes of sweeping nets produced 393-449 individual insects. 3. After the compost was brought into nurseries and placed in beds, specially designed funnel traps were operated over the beds and were examined at intervals of 15 days. They revealed altogether 63 species of insects and mites, among which the mites (12 species) were most abundant, 77.2%. Less abundant were hypogastrurids, 15.8%; entomobryids 3.8%; and lonchaerids, 1.9%. Each square foot of bed was, in average, inhabited by 68 mites, 14 hypogastrurids, 7 other insects. Generally the populations of entomobryids and spacrecerids were high in the later and early periods respectively, whereas that of hypogastrurids did not fluctuate much during the entire cultivation process. 4. Light traps were also operated from mid October to mid March inside the nurseries and totally 69 species of insects were collected, 71.3% of which were hypogastrurids; 2.7%, sphaerecerids; 8.2%, entornobryids; 3.3%, cecidomyids; 2.1%, staphylinids. The population of hypogastrurids reached the peak in November and was slightly lower in December; the entornobryids were more abundant in December and after late February; the staphylidids and compost-inhabiting flies (cecicomyids londhaerids, sphaerecerids) were more abundant before December. 5. Inside each 30 freshly emerged mushrooms, 6 cecidomyid larvae in average were found, of which the seasonal fluctuation of population density was insignificant. On each 30 vails and stems, 14 hypogastrurids, 11 mites and 10 cecidomyid larvae were found.



