  • 期刊

Performance of Vegetatively Propagated F1 Plants in Rice



本文係報告嘉義農業試驗分所於民國59年第1,2期作就三種水稻第一代什交後裔以扦插及分株方法繁殖時,其主要農藝特性之表現情形。 以F1稻稈製成插條扦插時其成功之百分比,第一期作高達70%以上,但第二期作則只有7%,惟在分蘗期將F1分蘗切開插植之分株法,其成活率第一期作及第二期作均高達90%以上。 以扦插法繁殖之F1稻株,其生育情形頗爲正常,在早熟品種之什交組合,以扦插繁殖之F1稻株,其發育情形似較由種子繁殖之F1稻株(對照)者爲佳,惟在秈稻品種之什交組合,以扦插繁殖之F1,稻株,在第一期作則因提早抽穗而影響其發育。以分株法繁殖之F1稻株,一般均較無經分株之F1稻株(對照)第一期作高而第二期作則低,分株法繁殖之F1稻株,較對照者早熟而每株穗數亦少,尤其以第二期作爲甚。 以扦插法繁殖之F1稻株,在晚熟品種之第一期作及秈型品種之第二期作,其每株谷重均較對照者爲高,故其表現在每株谷重之什種優勢亦較對照者爲高,以扦插法繁殖之秈型品種組合之F1,稻株其每株谷重及其什種優勢均較對照者爲憂,就早熟品種組合之F1,而言,扦插法與對照兩者之每株谷重及其什種優勢均頗相似,由分株法繁殖之F1稻株其每株谷重在第一期作較無經分株之對照者爲高,但在第二期作則較低。




The performance of three vegatatively propoagated F1 hybrid crosses of rice evaluated at the Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station in the first and second crops of 1970 are reported. More than 70% of cuttings taken from F1 stubbles germinated in the first crop but less than 7% of them germinated in the second crop. However, more than 90% of replanted tillers at the tillering stage survived in both crops. The growth of F1 plants raised from rice cuttings appeared normal in both crops. In early maturing japonica group, F1 plants from cuttings were found to grow better than those grown from seeds but F1 plants from cuttings of indica cross headed too early to attain their full growth in the first crop. F1 plants developed by division method were taller in the first crop but were shorter in the second one when compared with those without division. F1 plants with division generally headed later and produced less panicles than those without division, especially in the second crop. Grain yields of F1 plants raised from rice cuttings were higher than those of F1 plants grown from rice seeds for late maturing japonica and india crosses in the first and second crops respectively. Accordingly, the amount of heterosis in grain yield of F1 plants from cuttings was higher than that of F1 plants from seeds in these two crosses. Grain yield and heterosis of F1 plants from cuttings for indica cross in the first crop were lower than those of F1 plants from seeds. Both F1 plants from seeds and cuttings of early maturing japonica cross appeared to yield similarly. Grain yields of F1 plants with division treatment were generally higher in the first crop but lower in the second one when compared with those of F1 plants without division.


