  • 期刊

落花生種子休眠性之研究 Ⅲ.種子休眠性之遺傳

Studies on the Seed Dormancy of Peanuts Ⅲ. Inheritance of Seed Dormancy of Peanuts


本研究之目的在分折落花生種子休眠性之遺傳情形,以供育種上之參考。以Spanish型之Java 2品種(無休眠性)分別與Virginia型之Virginia Bunch 67(長休眠性)、Chiba Bunch(中休眠性)及NC-1(短沐眠性)正反交之F2單株及F3系統爲材料,於1970年春作在臺北農試所及秋作在屏東大寮試驗地興行,成熟收穫後14日測定F2單株及F3系統之種子休眠率,凡在20%以上者表示具有休眠性,由上項祠料計算F2植株種子休眠性之分離比及F3系統種子休眠性之分離情形。 本試驗F2植株種子休眠性測定之結果,顯示無休眠性之Java 2與長休眠性之Virginia Bunch 67及中休眠性之Chiba Bunch兩雜交組合無論正交(JV、JC)及反交(VJ及VC),其F2植株種子休眠性之分離比均爲3休眠比1不休眠,同時由F3系統分離測定之結果,F2親本具休眠性者,其後裔F3系統有1/3之休眠性不分離,爲顯性同型接合,其餘2/3有休眠與無休眠之分離。F2親本爲無休眠者,其俊裔F3系統全部均爲無休眠性,可見落花生種子休眠性之性狀係受一對(D-d)遺傳因子之控制,休眠性爲顯性,無休眠性爲隱性,無休眠性之Java 2與短休眠性之NC-1正反交(JN、NJ)組合,其結果不符合3:1分離比率,可能由於親本之休眠性過於接近,引起F2植株種子休眠測定之誤差所致。




This report is the results of a study of the mode of inheritance of seed dormancy in peanuts. A Spanish type variety, Java 2, which is non-dormancy was crossed with Virginia Bunch 67 (Virginia type, long dormancy), Chiba Bunch (Virginia type, moderate seed dormancy), and NC-1 (Virginia, short seed dormancy) respectively. The reciprocal crosses were also made at the same time. The F2 populations, F3 families of all three crosses, and their reciprocals were analyzed. The F2 materials and their parents were planted in spring 19 at Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute in Taipei, and the F3 families were planted in autumn the same year (in Pingtung). The seed germination test for F2 plants and F3 families were conducted by using the seeds 14 days after harvest. The percentage of dormancy of any plant higher than 20% was considered as a dormant plant. The results indicated that the cross combinations, Java 2 × Virginia Bunch 67 and Java 2 × Chiba Bunch and, their reciprocals showed 3 dormant: 1 non-dormant segregating ratio. (Table 1). The F3 families showed that one-third of the families derived from dormant F2 plants are homozygote for seed dormancy while the other two-thirds are segregating. The non-dormant F3 plants resulted in all non-dormant F3 families (Table 2). However, in the cross-combination of Java 2 × NC-I and its reciprocal, the F2 segregating ratio did not agree with a 3:1 ratio, but the F3 families did agree with a 1:2:1 ratio. So it is concluded that the seed dormancy may be controlled by a single dominant gene. designated as D. The F2 population of Java × NC-I deviated from 3:1 ratio might be explained as that the dormancy period of Java 2 and NC.I was quite close which makes the classification more difficult.


