  • 期刊


Effect of NK-Fertilizations on the Agronomic Characters and Grain Yield of Rice (Oryza Sativa,L.)


本試驗係以三種氮鉀施肥法及二種不同之株型稻,作田間試驗,以探討其對稻穀之產量及對農藝性狀之影響。經一年二期作試驗及詳細調查各性狀後,結果摘要如下: 1.不同施肥法對矮脚尖之分蘗數之影響較農育61號爲大,肥料分施可促進矮腳尖之分蘗,V字型法則降低其分蘗數。農育61號則頗爲穩定,受不同施肥法之影響少,第二期作之分蘗數均比第一期作爲少。 2.生育前期之株高,不論期作或處理間差異都很少,至幼穗形成期及抽穗期,槪以肥料分施法之株高較高,慣用法次之,V字型法最低。經調查節間之長度結果,以穗下第四、五兩節間的長度差異最爲明顯,兩品種均以慣用法最長,其次爲分施法,V字型法的節間最短。 3.一株平均乾物量,農育61號大於矮脚尖。矮腳尖之乾物量在第一期作抽穗前,V字型法低於他二施肥法,但至成熟期反而較高。農育61號則始終以V字型法最低。第二期作,矮脚尖則以慣用法之平均乾物量最高,肥料分施法最低。農育61號則以V字型法最高,慣用法殿後。 4.葉面積指數,第一期作,除矮腳尖在分施法區於抽穗期顯示高峰外,二品種在各處理區均在幼穗形成期達最高峰。就各品種之處理言,以V字型法最低。第二期作則以抽穗期達最高,但仍以V字型施肥法最低。如以兩期作葉面積指數的變化比較,矮脚尖,第二期作在抽穗期以前均比第一期作高,抽穗期以後第一期作比第二期作高二農育61號除分蘗期與抽穗期第二期作高於第一期作外,其餘時期第一期作高於第二期作。 5.稻谷產量就品種言,農育61號之產量高於矮脚尖,以處理言,V字型施肥法產量最高,其次爲分施法,慣用法的產量最低。就期作言,第一期作的產量高於第二期作。施肥法對產量的影響,在第二期作較爲明顯,V字型法對農育61號的增產效果比對矮腳尖顯明。 6.矮腳尖之穗數不論爲一、二期作,均以肥料分施法較多,農育61號對不同施肥方法之影響較少。不同施肥法處理對矮尖的穗長、穗重、粒數、結實率等影響不大,但V字型法可以提高農育61號的結實率與千粒重。分施法增加了臺農育61號的一穗粒數但降低了其結實率。




The objectives of this experiment were to find out the effects of different methods of NK-fertilization on the agronomic characters and yield of rice. This experiment consisted of three methods of NK-fertilization (Matsushima's V-shape method, Split application, arid Conventional method) and two rice varieties (Ai-chueh-chien, and Tainung yu 61). A split plot design was used in the trial with the methods of NK-fertilization as the main plots and the variety as the sub-plots in two replications. Five seedlings per hill were transplanted at a spacing of 25×20cm^2. The rate of N, P2O5, and K2O added in each treatment for whole growth season was 100, 40 and 40 kg/ha, respectively. The plant height, no. of tillers, leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter were all measured at the stages of tillering, panicle differentiation, heading, and harvest. After harvest, length of internodes, no. of panicles per hill, length and weight of panda, no. of spikelets per panicle, percentage of filled grains, weight of 1,000 kernels, and grain yield were al investigated. The results are summarized as follows: Different methods of NK-fertilization did affect the number of tillers per hill of Ai-chueh-chien. The no. of tillers per hill was decreased in V-shape method, while increased in split application. For the Tainung yu 61, however, no significant differences in the no. of tillers per hill were found among different methods of application. On the other hand, both rice varieties had more tillers in the first crop than in the second crop except in the early tillering stage of the second crop. It was due probably to the high temperature which caused rapid increase in the number of tillers in the early stage of the second crop. The plant height of rice as affected by different methods of fertilizer application was relatively small beofre young panicle differentiation stage in both varieties. After then, the plant height was the highest in split application followed by conveutional application. The V-shape application method showed the lowest in plant height. The same trend was also found in the length of internode between the forth and fifth node from the top. It was especially true in the case of Tainung yu 61. In general, Tainung yu 61 produced more dry matter than Ai-chueh-chien both in the first and second crop. In each variety, the plant with conventional and split application prcduced more dry matter than the V-shape application before heading. However, a reverse was found after heading. In the first crop, the leaf area indix (LAI) of all application methods increased a little bit slowly during the early stage of vegetative growth, it reached the peak at panicle differentiation stage and then decreased slowly. At harvest, the L I did not show too much difference among different application methods in the variety of Ai-chueh-chien. It was particularly interested to note that Tainurig yu 61 with V-shape application showed especially low in LAI after panicle differentiation stage. In the second crop, the LAI increased relatively rapidly during the early stage of vegetative growth, it reached the peak at heading time and then decreased rapidly. Among different application methods, the LAI of the V-shape application always showed the lowest before it reached the peak, nad then decreased but more slowly than that of others. At harvest, the LAI of the V-sgape application was almost the same as thet of others The grain yield obtained from the three methods of fertilization in the first and second crop was shown below: (The form abridges) As for the yield components, the no. of panicles per hill was very stable in the variety of Tainung yu 61 in different fertilizer applications. However, the no. of panicles was significantly different in the variety of Ai-chueh-chien, more panicles were found in split application and less in V-shape application. The length and weight of panicle, no. of spikelets per panicle and percentage of filled grains were not greatly affected by different application methods in the variety of Ai-chueh-chien. In Tainung yu 61, the percentage of filled grain and weight of 1,000 kernels were higher in the V-shape application than in split application. However, the no. of spikelets per panicle was increased in split application.


