  • 期刊


Mass Production and Field Liberation of a Larval Parasite (Apanteles Plutellae) of the Diamondback Moth


小菜蛾(Plutella xylostella Linn.)爲目前本省十字花科蔬菜之首要害蟲,其防治方法係以化學藥劑、蘇力菌與寄生蜂等配合使用,以達綜合防治之目的。本文報導小菜蛾及其幼蟲寄生蜂之大量繁殖與釋放工作。 小菜蛾及其寄生蜂之繁殖分室內及田間網室二種,室內繁殖用盆栽蔬菜放入木箱(26×36×40cm)內供成蛾產卵,幼蟲孵化時以大型塑膠盆(52×39×15.5cm)飼育,幼蟲發育至2~3齡時,移置大玻璃筒內,供寄生蜂產寄生卵,約經10~12天即可收繭。田間網室繁殖係以5公畝之網室菜園種植蔬菜,使小菜蛾及其寄生蜂能在自然環境下進行繁殖。若環境適宜,可採收相當數量之蜂繭。 在小菜蛾與寄生蜂之繁殖過程中,若小菜蛾蟲數增多時,常引起小菜蛾毒素病之蔓延,或因新鮮蔬菜之供應不足而使繁殖工作受阻。爲謀解決此等困難,筆者等乃以積穀害蟲,外米綴蛾與粉斑螟蛾代替小菜蛾繁殖寄生蜂。 本計畫繁殖所得之小菜蛾寄生蜂,曾於民國61年12月9日,62年3月19~20日與5月30日分別釋放於西螺、士林、楠梓三地示範田,以配合化學藥劑與蘇力菌之防治菜蟲。每公頃寄生蜂釋放數爲2,000~2,500隻,釋放時以蜂繭裝入特製之竹筒內,插於菜株近旁較爲避風之一面。在蜂繭釋放之前或後一天,與釋放後二至三個星期進行田間小菜蛾密度及寄生蜂寄生情形之調查。其結果分析顯示釋放寄生蜂確可降低田間小菜蛾之幼蟲及蛹數,同時田間寄生蜂之寄生率比釋放前約可增加18.26%~26.31%。




The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L., is one of the most serious insect pest of the cruciferous vegetable in Taiwan. A demonstration integrated control program of this pest, involving chemical, microbial and biological agents has been conducted in recent years. An improved technique for mass production of the diamondback moth and its larval parasite, Apanteles plutellae is reported in this paper. Larvae of the diamondback moth were reared in the insectary in plastic trays (52×39×15.5cm) with fresh vegetable supplied daily. Wooden cages (26×36×40cm) with potted growing vegetables were used for moth oviposition. In addition, an outdoor 0.05 hectare screened vegetable garden was furnished for host and parasite rearing under natural conditions. From the insectary rearing, 2nd-and 3rd-instar larvae of the diamondback moth were obtained for Apanteles oviposition. Also, a large number of parasite cocoons were daily collected from the field screen house when the temperature and humidity were suitable for field rearing. Difficulties were encounted when a large number of diamondback moth was reared at one time, because of the effects of weather conditions, virus disease, fresh vegetable supply, etc. For overcoming those difficulties, two species of rice moths, Corcyra cephalonica Sta. and Ephestia cautella Walk. were chosen as alternative hosts for Apanteles mass production. The field liberation of parasites was carried out on December 9, 1972, March 19-20 and May 30, 1973 at Hsilao, Shihlin and Nantze respectively. Apanteles parasites were released about 2 weeks after Thuricide 90ts applications. One day before or after, and 2 weeks after the parasite liberations the populations of the host insect and parasite were investigated. Results showed that the parasite liberation was apparentely effective in reducing the density of larvae and pupae of the diamondback moth. And in increasing the percent parasitism by Apanteles plutellae in the above releasing fields by the amounts ranging from 18.26-26.31%.However, the rate of parasitism depended largely upon the rate of parasite emergence, location of vegetable fields and weather conditions within 2 weeks after parasite release.


