  • 期刊

長角象鼻蟲(Araecerus fasciculatus)之生活史及防治試驗

Studies on Life Cycle and Control of Coffee Bean Weevil, Araecerus Fasciculatus (De Geer) (Coleoptera: Anthribidae)


長角象鼻蟲(Araecerus fasciculatus)之食性甚雜,如農產品或中藥材常受嚴重爲害。該蟲在本省,年生6世代,每世代需28.2~86.6天,平均48.8天。卵期3~15天,平均6.1天。孵化率爲98%以上。幼蟲期19~47天,平均35.6天。蛹期5.2~10.3天,平均7.1天。成蟲羽化後4~6天脫離被害外出自由活動,雌蟲1次產卵數1~3粒,最高可達7粒。每雌產卵總數21~45粒,平均33.4粒。成蟲壽命26~56天,平均37.0天。1對雌雄經5個月之繁殖蟲數;以玉米飼育者爲136.2隻,苷藷簽爲176隻,當歸爲136.7隻。經其消耗與爲害之損失量玉米爲22.3%,甘藷簽爲31.4%, 當歸爲26.6%。蒜頭及當歸中各蟲期之冷藏致死溫度爲5℃ 50天,0℃ 25天,-5℃ 10天,-20℃小時。蒜頭如放置通風良好環境,用Panaplate板50g/M^3藥量吊置頂面,即可燻殺蒜頭中及由外界侵入之成蟲。緊急處理用Phostoxin 3片/M^3密閉燻蒸較爲有效。




The coffee bean weevil, Araecerus fasciculatus (De Geer) is a serious pest attacking various stored agricultural products, like corn, sweet potato and chiretta (a kind of herb, Ligusticum acutilobum Sieb. et Zucc., Umbel-liferae), especially at the store house. This weevil has been known as a world wide distributed species and about six generations recorded in Taipei, the generations were overlapped so that the various stages of the pest could be found on the stored products all year around. its egg, larva, pupa and adult lasted 28.2-(48.8) -86.6, 3-(6.1) -15, 19-(35.6) -47, 5.2-(7.1) -10.3 and 26-(37.0) -56 days, respectively to complete the adult left the infested product right after emergence, throught about 4-6 days, they started to mate and the female aid oviposition, generally a female laid 1-3 and at mostreggs per day and 21-(33.4) -45 during its life tune, the percentage of egg hatching was 98% at laboratory rearing. Concerning about food preference, the different food seemed soundly effect the weevil progeny, the fact was proved by three pairs of adults, which were fed with corn, sweet potato slice and chiretta for five months respectively under the same rearing condition, mutiplied 136.2, 176 and 136.7offsprings, the loss of the products were estimated about 22.6, 31.4 and 26.6% respectively. To study the low thermal factor influences the development of the weevil, 4 groups of weevil feeding on garlic and chiretta at temperatures 5°C, 0°C, -5°C and -20°C were set for test, the result showed to kill all the weevils need minimum 50, 25, 10 and 1 days respectively. For the control purpose, if garlic was attacked by the weevil, it could be kept in ventilational area and fumigated with panaplate (DDVP) 50g/m^3 or phostoxin 3 tablets/m^3 to obtain a successful and effective control.


