  • 期刊


Relationship between Rice Fusarium Oxysporum F. Sp. Lini in the Field


亞麻萎凋病(立枯病)發病土壤(FC-11)分:(A)不處理、(B) 60℃消毒1小時、(C) 60℃消毒1小時後加亞麻萎凋病激發田之前作稻根,(D) 60℃消毒1小時後加亞麻萎凋病株莖部碎片,(E) 60℃消毒l小時後加水稻紋枯病菌,(F) 121℃ 15 lbs滅菌1小時6處理,於網室內磚砌栽培床栽植第一期作水稻(臺南5號)。栽植一月後調查各處理每克土壤所含Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lini之菌體數,分別爲(A) 5,800 (C),1,400 (D) 7,000第2個月菌體數减少,至第3個月降爲(A) 4,200 (C) 400 (D) 4,000。同時,栽植後2月調查之每克稻根含病菌菌體數爲(A) 1,000 (C) 500 (D) 1,500。至第3了個月每克稻根所含之菌體數增至(A) 1,500 (C) 1,000 (D) 2,000,(B) (E) (F)三處理之土內及稻根雖含有其他真菌,但均未見有F. oxysporum f. sp lini出現。 根部感染F. oxysporum f.sp lini之水稻由外觀無法看出l罹病趨向,但與未感染之水稱詳加比较,可發現前者較爲矮化。另由前述處理產量推算每公頃產量,結果分別爲(B)3,080.4kg、(E)2966.3kg、(F)3,182.kg、(A)2,840.5kg、(C)2,785. 3kg(D)2,450.71Kg,得知被感染之水稻有一成至二成半减產。民國64年第2期作水稻重複試驗,亦有相似之趨勢。 在產地一組發病田(FC-11)與抑病田(FS-11)第2期作均種白殼硬糯水稻,其稻株平均株高差異蘗顯著。另組發病田(FC-13)與抑病田(FS-14)則種高雄66號水稻,雖株高差異不顯著,但其分蘗數則呈極顯著差異。 由上觀之,雖F. oxyporum f sp lini 感染水稻後不致引起外部病徵,但已造成水稻株高矮化,分蘗數减少,產量减低等現象,此等病害暫名爲隱匿性病害 (Latent disease)。




Flax wilt-sick soil (FC-11) was treated with various ways: (A) no treatment (control), (B) 60℃/1 hr. steam sterilization, (C) 60℃ steam sterilization and then added with rice roots from flax wilt-sick field, (D) 60℃ steam sterilization and then inoculated with wilted flax stem tissues, (E) 60℃ steam sterilization and then inoculated with Rhizoctonia solani-hyphal suspension, and (F) autoclaved with 121℃, 15 lbs for 1 hr. Differently treated soils were placed respectively in brick-made growth flats in the greenhouse for the cultivation of first crop of rice (Tainan No. 5). Pathogen density of tested soil was made monthly after transplanting of rice seedling. The propagules of Fusarium oxvsporum f. sp. lini of different treatments in per gram of soil were 5800, 1400, and 7000 for A, C, and D treatments in the first month. The propagules decreased slowly in the second month and further down to 4200, 400, and 4000, respectively, in the third month. There were no F. oxysporum f. sp. lini detected from the soils of B, E, and F treatments throughout the period of experiment. Fusarium orysporum f. sp. lini was also detected from rice roots of A, C, and D treatments with the quality of 1000, 500, and 1500 colonies/per gram of root, respectively, at 2 months after transplanting. It increased to 1500, 1000, and 2000 colonies/per gram of root, respectively, after 3 months. Although other fungi could be detected from soils and rice roots of B, E, and F treatments, no F. oxysporum f. sp. lini could be isolated. Although F. oxysporum f. sp. lini could infect and establish itself in the rice roots, there were no clear external symptom on rice plants. However, they did show some extent of dwarf when compared with non-infected rice plants. Yields of different treatments varied; they were 3182, 3080, 2966, 2841, 2785, and 2406 kg per hectare for F, B, E, A, C, and D treatments, respectively. In general, yield was reduced about 10-25% in those plots that rice roots were infected with F. oxysporum f. sp. lini. Repeated test in the second crop of rice resulted in the similar conclusion. Both wilt-suppressive and wilt-sick fields were cultivated with 'Paiker hard' glutinous rice. Results showed statistically significant (1%) on average statures of rice plants. The other pair of suppressive and sick fields were cultivated with 'Kao-hsiung No 66'. Although the stature of the rice plants appeared statistically no significance between these two fields, the number of tillers was statistically very significant (1%). It was concluded that F. oxysporum f. sp. lini could not only penetrate into rice roots but also cause an abnormal physiological reaction of rice plants resulting in the dwarf and reduction of yield. The disease caused by pathogenic F. oxysporurn on 'non-host' without clear external symptom was herein termed as 'latent disease'.


