  • 期刊

油瓜(Cucurbita foetidissima HBK)引種試驗及其種子與塊根成分分析

Studies on the Flowering Characteristics and Chemical Analysis of Cucurbita foetidissima HBK


本文目的在探討新引進之油瓜(Buffalo gourd)品系在中部地區之適應性,同時分析其種子及塊根等之主要成分。 經三年(1979-1981)之品系觀察試驗結果顯示,油瓜可在本省中部地區生長,蔓葉滋生迅速而旺盛,但由於氣候多雨潮溼,受多種病蟲所侵襲。每株果數太少(1.2-6.8果/株;平均僅收穫2.8果/株)及每果種子不多(72-257粒/果),爲其缺點。 種子之油脂及蛋白質含量分別爲33.5~37.5%及24.4~25.2%,根部澱粉含量約爲56~73%之間,概依供試品系之不同有所差異。 根部之適當收穫,宜在地上部枯萎後即行收穫,並應立即抽取澱粉。留置土中過久或貯藏日數太長都使澱粉抽取率降低。




This experiment was carried out from 1979 to 1981 at the experimental farm of TARI to study the adaptation of newly-introduced strains of buffalo gourd (Cucurbita foetidissima HBK) and the chemical composition of seeds and roots. Vigorous vegetative growth was obsevred on all strains. However, serious damage by Fusarium wilt, powdery mildew and other diseases occurred during the growth period especially in the raining season. Melon fly was the major insect pest which caused severe damage on the fruits. Only a limited number of fruits was able to be harvested (average at 2.8 fruits per plant). The number of seeds was 72 257 per fruit. The crude fat and crude protein content of seeds were 33.5-37.5% and 24.4-25.2%, respectively. The starch content of roots (7-month) was 56-73%, depending on the strain of buffalo gourd tested. The best harvest time of roots was when withering occurred on the above-ground portion of the plants. Delay of harvest would cause an increase of fat and protein concentrations but a decrease in starch. Similar results were found if the roots had been stored for 5 to 8 days.


