  • 期刊


Inheritance of Quality and Grain Characteristics in Indica Rice






The inheritance of 7 quality and grain characteristics related to cooking and eating qualities as well as grain dimensions in indica rice were studied by means of 5×5 diallel crosses including parents and reciprocal crosses. The genetic variations of 7 quality characteristic evaluated were significant. Both additive and dominance effects were important for all-7 quality characteristics. Furthermore, additive effects were significantly larger than dominance effects for all quality characteristics evaluated except for gel consistence. Estimated heritabilities for all characteristics were very high, indicating that a major portion of phenotypic variability was controlled by additive effects. Maternal effects existed in alkali spreading score, amylose content, gel consistence, kernel width and kernel thickness. Degrees of dominance for 7 quality characteristics estimated by graphic and variance analyses showed partial or incomplete dominance except that gel consistence was complete dominance. Directions of dominance, evaluated by regression plotting and the order of parental dominance, were toward low alkali spreading score, low proteint content, high amylose content, high gel consistence, long grain length, wide grain width and thick grain thickness. The average frequency of positive and negetive alleles in parents were about equal for cooking and eating qualities, but not equal for grain dimensions. Number of dominant genes exceeded recessive genes for alkali spreading score, protein content and amylose content, however, recessive genes exceeded domianat genes for gel consistence and grain dimensions.


