  • 期刊


Development of Maize Single Hybrid Tainung 351


本省每年進口大量飼料玉米,供畜牧生產之需,可是稻米卻生產過剩,且外銷困難,乃推行稻田轉作政策,鼓勵農民栽培玉米,藉以減少稻米生產,該增加玉米自給率,因此,對高產玉米品種之期待至殷。 本省過去玉米育種,以選育適合裡作之早熟品種爲主,產量偏低,未足以誘導農民轉作玉米之意願,且育成品種均囑雙雜交種,較先進國家目前已普遍採用的單交種,在育種時效,採種手續,及機械化栽培上,均屬不利。著者等有鑑於此,乃積極從事單交玉米之選育,於民國73年春育成單交玉米臺農351號。 新品種玉米臺農351號爲本省第一個育成的單雜交種,是在217個單交組合中選出,它的母本與父本自交系分別爲TA80-2598及TA80-1410,母本爲硬粒種,父本爲馬齒種。 臺農351號具有高產潛力,試驗區子粒產量爲8~10t/ha,農家栽培可達5~8t/ha,較推廣品種臺南5號及臺南11號增產30~50%。高產特性乃由於成熟期較晚,由播種至吐絲,春作爲65~70天,秋作爲55~60天二生育日數春作約105天,秋作約115~120天,播種越遲,生育日數愈長。每穗粒數多,平均約在560粒左右,粒重亦較重。具有良好的抗病性,可抗普通型鐫病、煤紋病、葉斑病及甘蔗嵌紋病毒D型系統,並較本省現有其他栽培品種耐玉米矮化嵌紋病毒B型系統。此外,於發芽至幼苗期,較其他品種有較強之耐水、耐濕性,適合稻田轉作栽培。 本品種之形態特性,爲生育初期莖基、葉鞘呈淡紅色,後期全株呈淡紅色;葉片綠色,著葉數16片;花藥黃色;花穎與花絲淡紅色;每株果穗1~2枚;果穗苞葉緊密;每穗子粒行數16~18行;子粒呈橘黃色。




Huge quantities of feed corn are imported annually for the development and production of livestocks and poultries in Taiwan. On the contrary, the production of rice for domestic consumption is seriously overstocked and difficult to be exported. Recently, there has been serious discussion about the problem of rice suplus and the government is concerned to encourage crop diversification, in particular, by means of raising corn production. Under the circumstances, the development of high yield maize hybrid has become extremely necessary. In the past two decades, corn improvement in Taiwan was mainly concentrated on the development of early-mature and double-cross types of hybrids, so that maize could be planted during the winter and fitted in the triple cropping system in paddy field, the average yield of corn is rather low. Recently, as far as yield potential and the benefits of breeding efficiency, hybrid seed production procedure, as well as mechanized cultural practice are concerned, single hybrid of maize is much more advanced. In order to fulfill the above expectations the new maize single hybrid Tainung 351 (TNG 351) is released in spring 1984. Tainung 351 is the first single maize hybrid developed in Taiwan. It is a selection from the 217 single hybrids in a testcross evaluation program. The parental inbred of TNG 351 are TASO-2598 and TA8D-1410. The maternal parent TA80-2598 is a Cuban flint while the paternal parent TA80-1410 a U. S. dent conversion. TNG 351 possesses high yield potential. In experimental plot, it yields as high as 8-10 t/ha; in the farmer's land it yields 5-8 t/ha normally, this is 30-50% higher than that of the previously released varieties TN5 and TN11. The high yield potential of TNG 351 is due to its later maturity, the days from planting to midsilking are 65-70 and 55-60 days, and the days to maturity are 105 and 115-120 days, respectively in the spring and fall crops. The later it is planted in the fall crop the longer required to mature. The kernel number per ear of TNG 351 is around 560 on average, and its kernel weight is heavier. It is resistant to puccinia sorghi (common rust), turcicum and maydis leaf blights, as well as the sugarcane mosaic virus D strain. In addition, it is also more tolerant to maize dwarf mosaic virus B strain than the other cultivars in Taiwan. Besides, it is more tolerant to flooding and humidity during emergence to seedling stage, therefore, more adapted to grow in the paddy field than other cultivars. The morphology of TNG 351 shows as follows: the stalk base and the leaf shealth are light red during the early growth stage, and gradually, the whole plant turns into light red at the mature stage. The color of its leaves is green, the anther is yellow, the spiklets and silk are light red. The number of leaves per plant is 16, number of ear per plant is 1-2, and number of kernel rows per ear is 16-18. The color of kernels is orange. The husk covers the ear very tightly.


