  • 期刊


Disease Responses of Corns Inoculated with B Strain of Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus


溫室苗期法抗病檢定超甜玉米品種(Honey 236),飼料玉米推廣品種(臺南16號、臺農351號和臺農1號),選育中之玉米品系(臺農育TA85W-2),及自交系(TA80-1410)等,結果顯示供試品種(系)對玉米矮化嵌紋病毒 B 型系統(MDMV-B)皆呈感病反應,但依發病百分率及發病速率來判斷,六個供試材料中以超甜玉米Honey 236最爲感病,臺農1號和TA80-1410最抗病。田間試驗發現玉米經MDMV-B感染後,對植株的開花期、吐絲期、株高、莖軸、鮮果穗及乾子粒產量都顯著延遲或減少,唯脫粒率不受影響。其中超甜玉米Honey 236的鮮果穗減產約32%,TA80-1410的子粒產量損失約40%,爲反應最劇者;其次爲臺農351號、臺南16號、及臺農育TA85W-2之子粒產量損失各約爲29、27、24%;而臺農1號之子粒產量與對照組幾無差異,可謂爲耐病品種。另外,由田間病徵,及利用酵素結合抗體免疫分析(ELISA)測定罹病株的MDMV-B含量,發現各玉米品種(系)病徵嚴重程度與植株內病毒累積量及作物產量損失率成正相關。




One super sweet corn (Honey 236), three released feed corn (Tain 16, Tainung 351, and Tainung 1), one breeding line of feed corn hybrid (TA85W-2), and one inbred line (TA80-1410) were comparatively tested in this study. All entries were equally rated 'susceptible' to B strain of maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV-B) as tested by greenhouse seedling technique, however, on the basis of infection percentages and incubation periods, Honey 236 was the most susceptible, but Tainung 1 and TA80-1410 were the most resistant. The results of a split-plot designed field experiment indicated that all inoculated plants not only significantly delayed in days to tasseling and silking, but also reduced in plant height, stalk diameter, ear number, green ear weight, and dry grain yield; but shelling rate was not significantly different from noninoculated plants. The inoculated plants of Honey 236 reduced 32% in green ear and TA80-1410 yielded 40% less dry grain than noninoculated plants, both of them were considered as severely influenced by the virus, however, the dry grain yields from inoculated plants of Tainung 1 was only 1% less than noninoculated plants, therefore, the latter one should be considered as a 'tolerant' cultivar. Under the same conditions, dry grain yield loss from other varieties were estimated as follows: 24% (TA85W-2), 27% (Tainan 16), and 29% (Tainung 351). In additions, the syptom severity of six corn entries as observed in the field, were positively correlated to virus contents of plant tissues from ELISA results, and yield losses.


