  • 期刊


Development of Maize Single Hybrid Tainung No.1


著者等爲因應稻田轉作急需高產玉米新品種,曾於民國73年3月間,育成本省第一個單雜交玉米臺農351號。自推廣以來,常於春作梅雨季節發生嚴重倒伏現象;此外,因其果穗之苞葉數目多且包裹緊密,亦常造成人工採收、去苞之不便。著者等有鑑於此,乃積極從事品種選育工作,終於近期育成抗倒伏性強,苞葉易剝,生育日數較臺農351號稍短,產量較臺農351號高20%以上,適合春、秋、裡作栽培之中晚熟飼料玉米新品系「臺農育85W-10號」一種,於民國76年6月間申請命名登記,經容查通過後,於77年5月30日獲省府公告爲「臺農一號」。 新品種玉米臺農一號爲單雜交種。其母本及父本自交系分別爲TA2808-176及TA3651-377。母本係由哥倫比亞玉米種源ICAL 210經自交分離而育成,屬熱帶型硬粒種;父本係由美國夏威夷大學引進之自交系Hi31,經純化選出者,屬溫帶型馬齒種。 臺農一號具有高產潛力,試區產量最高可達8~10t/ha。春作平均產量較臺農351號高23%,秋作高26%,裡作高25%。高產特性乃由於穗長較長,脫粒率較高及百粒重較重。雖其莖稈粗壯,株型高大,但穗位卻較臺農351號低10~20公分。開花期及吐絲期之間隔時間亦較短,僅約2天,故穗頂子粒受粉及充實完全。開花期及成熟期與臺農351號相近,一般稍爲提早,並隨溫度高低憂化甚大。播種至吐絲期,春作爲72天,秋作爲57天,裡作爲67天。生育日數春作三月初播種者爲106天;秋作八月底播種者亦爲106天,九月初播種者爲110天,九月中播種者爲115天,九月底播種者爲120天;裡作10月中旬播種者爲130天。 本品種對玉米普通型銹病爲抗,對南方型銹病、煤紋病及葉斑病爲感。其中煤紋病及葉斑病二項,雖溫室人工接種檢定爲感,但田間調查仍呈抗病型。臺農一號較本省現有其他栽培品種耐玉米矮化嵌紋病毒B型系統,病毒接種試驗顯示,當臺農351號之子粒損失率達29.6%時,臺農一號僅爲5%。 本品種之形態特性爲莖色及葉鞘綠色,葉片深綠,葉片數16片,花藥黃色,穎色及花絲淡紅色,果穗之苞葉包裹完全,但採收時去苞頗易,每株穗數1~2枚,子粒行數14行,子粒呈馬齒型橘黃色。




Tainung No. 1 is a single-cross maize hybrid. Its parental inbreds are TA2808-176 and TA3651-377. The maternal parent TA2808-176 is a tropical flint selected from the progeies of Columbia germplasm ICAL 210 via inbreeding. The paternal parent TA3651-377 is a U. S. dent selected from the purified lines of inbred Hi31 introduced from Hawaii University. Tainung No. 1 possesses high yield potential. In experimental plots, it yields as high as 8~10t/ha. In average it yielded higher than that of the previously released hybrid Tainung No. 351 by 23% in spring, 26% in fall and 25% in winter crops. The high yield potential of Tainung No. 1 is due mainly to its longer ear length, higher shelling rate, as well as 100-kernel weight. The leaf and stem of Tainung No. 1 is huge and tough, but its ear height is 10~20cm lower than that of Tainung No. 351. Evidence obtained in many field trials showed it was much more tolerant to lodging than Tainung No. 351. The interval from tasseling to silking of Tainung No 1 is only two days, thus makes it easy to have a full-pollinated ear-tip. The days from planting to tasseling or maturity of Tainung No. 1 are little earlier than Tainung No. 351, and varied according to the climatic condition. The days from planting to silking of Tainung No. 1 are 72, 57 and 67 in spring, fall and winter crops, respectivelly, and the days from planting to maturity are 106 and 106~120 days, respectively, in spring and fall crops. The later it is planted in the fall crop the longer required to mature. Usually it takes 130 days to mature in winter crop. Tainung No. 1 is resistant to Puccinia sorgi (common rust) but not immune from P. polysora (southern rust), turcicum and maydis leaf blights when screening in the growth chamber. However during the field experiments it has good general resistance to them. In addition, it was more tolerant to maize dwarf mosaic virus B strain (MDMV-B) than the other cultivars in Taiwan. Experimental evidence indicated that when the loss of Tainung No. 351 from MDMV-B infection was 29.6%, Tainung No. 1 was only 5%. The morphology of Tainung No. 1 shows as follows: the colours of stem and leaf shealth are green, the colour of leaf blade is dark green, the anther is yellow, the spikiets and silk are light red. The number of leaves per plant is 16, number of ear per plant is 1~2, and number of kernel rows per ear is 14. The colour of kernels is orange. The husk covers the ear completely but is easy to tear or take off during harvest.




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