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Breeding of the Newly Developed Single-Cross Hybrid Corn "Tainan No. 17"


台南17號命名前代號為南育PS 53,屬單雜交品種,其系譜為母本Antigua-2-44-1 × 父本P 3184-1-3-1。母本為熱帶型品系,而父本為溫帶型品種。南育PS 53自74年選出後,經推荐參加全省性區域試作、栽培密度及肥料試驗、抗病蟲性與耐濕性檢定及大面積栽培示範後,顯示本品種具有豐產、抗倒伏、抗毒素病、抗莖腐病,並具耐濕及易採收之特性。適合於台中及其以南地區推廣栽培,於76年12月23日,經農林廳作物新品種審查會議通過,命名為台南17號。


Tainan No. 17 is a single-cross hybrid corn and was coded as Nanyu PS 53 before registration. Its maternal line, Antigua-2-44-1, was derived from a tropical composite and paternal inbred, P 3184-1-3-1, was originated from a temperated synthetic variety. Since being selected out in 1985, Nanyu PS 53 had been recommended to joint in regional yield trial, plant density and nitrogen fertilizer test, reaction to various economic important disease and insect pests test, high soil moisture tolerant test and large-seal cultivation demonstration. The data collected from the above tests revealed that Nanyu PS 53 is characterized with high-yielding ability, highly lodging resistance, moderate resistance to MDMV and stalk rot and with moderate tolerant to high soil moisture. After evaluation by the Committee of Registration for new crop cultivar convened by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry. Taiwan Provincial Government, Nanyu PS 53 was finally named as Tainan No. 17 in December 1987. Tainan No. 17 is a medium late variety and has a wide adaptation characteristic, It is suitable to cultivate in Taichung, Changhua and Yuin-Chia-Nan Areas.




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