  • 期刊


Effects of Testers and Populations on the Relationship among Grain and Forage Yield Traits in Maize


本研究使用五個不同之玉米族群為試驗材料,藉臺農1號父母本TA3651-377及TA2808-176兩個自交系為檢定親,分別與每一族群之20個S4系統雜交,產生200個測交種(計分10群)。調查籽粒及青割產量性狀,估算外表型相關,比較不同檢定親及族群對性狀間關係之影響,並評估族群作為籽粒或青割育種材料之潛力。試驗結果顯示:開花期、吐絲期、株高、穗位高與青割產量性狀(莖葉乾物產量、整株乾物產量、乾物率、果穗百分比及TDN)之相關程度,隨檢定親或族群之不同而異;而籽粒產量與莖葉乾物產量、整株乾物產量間之顯著正相關關係,則相當穩定,籽粒產量應可作為選拔高產青割玉米的一項重要參考指標。若考慮將五個族群納入育種計畫,其中Thai Comp. No.3(S)C5(M)C1較適合作籽粒用途,Maize Pathological Population No.2及Amarillo Dentado DMR BC3 F5(S)C1較適合作青割用途;而KU C1(ME)C3(S)C1則可兼作籽粒及青割之用。


Five maize populations were used to determine the effects of inbred testers and populations on the relationship among grain and forage traits, and to evaluate their potential as breeding sources for grain and forage yield. Twenty S4 families from each population were crossed to two inbred lines, TA3651-377 and TA2808-176 to form ten groups of testcrosses. The results of this study demonstrate that phenotypic correlation coefficients between agronomic traits (days to flower, days to silk, plant height, and ear height) and forage yield traits (stover yield, whole-plant yield, DM content, ear percentage, and TDN) varied along with different testers and populations. However, the relationships between grain yield and stover yield, also grain yield and whole-plant yield were consistently positive and significant. Grain yield could be manipulated to develop genotypes with high forage yield. Of the five populations tested, Thai Comp. No.3 (S)C5(M)C1 could be chosen for grain yield germplasm, whereas Maize Pathological Population No.2 and Amarillo Dentado DMR BC3 F5 (S) C1 could be chosen for forage yield germplasm. Population KU C1 (ME) C3 (S) C1 was the most valuable population as a source for both grain yield and forage yield breeding program.
