  • 期刊


Effects of Genotype, Population Density and Harvest Date on Yield and Quality of Peanut


本試驗採用四個落花生基因型爲材料,包括Spanish type的臺南11號及臺農6號與Virginia type的立枝仔及VB313,採二種株距(10cm及30cm),於1995年春作及秋作種植於臺灣省農業試驗所之試驗農場,分六個收穫期取樣調查莢數、莢重、粒數、粒重、公頃莢果產量、公頃籽粒產量、油分及蛋白質含量等八個性狀,以探討不同基因型、栽培密度及收穫期對落花生產量及品質之影響。試驗結果發現,調查的八個農藝性狀,在基因型間、栽培密度間及收穫期間均有明顯變異。臺南11號具有最高之莢果與籽粒數目,立枝仔及VB313在秋作之莢果、籽粒性狀表現甚差;油分含量在基因型間因期作及密度互有高低;Spanish type之蛋白質含量顯著高於Virginia type。單株莢數、莢重、粒數、粒重四個性狀均以疏植者多於密植者;但公頃莢果及籽粒產量,則以密植栽培較高。太早收穫之莢果籽粒產量及油分蛋白質含量均低。本試驗中,春作始花後108~115天,秋作始花後90~97天,可視爲收穫適期。


落花生 基因型 栽培密度 收穫期


To study the effects of genotype population density and harvest date on yield and quality of peanut, in the spring and fall crop seasons of 1995, two Spanish type (TN 11 and TNG 6) and two Virginia type (Li-chu-tzae and VB313) were grown with two space-in- rows in the field of the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, and were harvested at six 7-day intervals beginning 80 and 62 days after first blooming stage. The results indicated that differences were apparent among genotypes, plant densities and harvest dates for eight traits investigated. Tainan No.11 had the highest pod and seed number. Li-chu-tzae and VB313 were not adaptable in fall crop season. Oil content slightly varied among genotypes. Higher protein content was found in Spanish type than in Virginia type. Peanuts grown in 30cm of space-in-row had higher pod and seed weight and number per plant than those in 10cm of space-in-row. However, peanuts grown in 10cm of space-in-row had significantly higher pod and seed yield per hectare than those in 30cm of space-in-row. Lowest pod and seed yield, oil and protein content were found in the earliest harvested peanuts and in the spring season. The results showed that 108~115 days after first blooming stage in spring or 90~97 days after first blooming stage in fall is the most appropriate harvest date.
