  • 期刊


Responses of Growth Rate and Major Agronomic Characters of Rice Varieties to Day-Length and Temperature


利用本省各地區最適的栽培稻十七個品種爲材料,在民國62年9月20日至63年8月20日之間,每月種植一次。在生育各期分別調查在不同日長與溫度下之分藥及株高增加速度與生育日數之變化情形,並藉岡氏(1953)方法測定水稻之感光性及感溫性。 感光性之強弱在同一品種中,常因日長之不同而異,而本省栽培稻之感光性強度,在本試驗中,無一超過感光強度45°者,故屬中感及鈍感品種。 溫度對梗稻之影響較大,每當溫度昇高1°C時,對一般成長之促進率爲6%,對花芽形成之促進率爲3%。尤以秧苗期之影響最大,秧苗期之平均溫度在15°C~16℃時,秧苗期日數爲31日~57日;如溫度增高至28℃(6月、7月、8月)則秧苗期日數減至8日~15日。 分蘖期中之溫度在18℃~27℃之間時,分增加速度隨溫度之昇高而增加,每當溫度昇高1℃時,對分蘖速度之促進率爲7%,分蘖期間之日數則因高溫而縮短,分蘖數及穗數減少。溫度對株高增加速度之促進率爲11%,但在高溫(27℃~28℃)之情況下,株高減低,生育日數亦縮短。本文對如何應用感光性與感溫性育成適合第二期作栽培之品種問題,亦曾加討論。




Some 17 commercial rice varieties in Taiwan were seeded monthly from 20th January to 20th December in 1973-1974. Measurements were recorded in regard to the rate of tillering and rate of culm elongation; the relation between the date of heading and the length of growth period (from germination to heading) was also investigated. The rates of temperature responses concerning these characters were estimated from their regression on temperature of the corresponding growing period. For measuring the sensitivity to day-length, the ratio of the shortening of growth period to an unit shortening of day-length at the time of flower bud formation (assumed as 35 days before heading) was calculated on each variety. This ratio varied in the same variety with the day-length; the day-length; at which the ratio was largest, the angle the tangent of which was corresponding to the largest ratio was used as a measure of the sensitivity to day-length (named as T.D.M.). All the varieties used in this study were insensitive to day-length. The response to temperature was measured by the following method: (1) to find out on each variety the length of growth period at different dates of heading (y), average temperatures of respective growth periods (x), and average temperature at the time of flower bud formation (35-15 days before the heading) (z); and (2) to calculate the percentage of partial regression coefficients byx. z and byz. x to the average of the length of growth period. byx. z and byz. x will stand for the rates of accelaration of general growth and flower bud formation by the rise of 1°C respestively. The day-length insensitive varieties were generally larger in byx. z (the rate of acceleration of general growth by the rise of 1°C) and smaller in byz. x (the rate of hastening of flower bud formation). A negative correlation was found between byx. z and byz. x. Within the range of 27°C-28°C, the higher is the temperature, the faster is the tillering rate (daily increase), but the tillering period is shortened, so that the final number of tillers generally decreases with the rise of temperature. When temperature increased 1°C both the plant height and tiller number were increased by 10%. But when temperature was kept at 27°C-28°C for all the vegetative stage, the vegetative period was shortened and the plant height and tiller number were decreased accordingly. Temperature also affected the growth of seedlings. When temperature was 15°C-16°C it took 31-57 days (exclude the 5 days incubation) for the seedlings to mature. When temperature increased to 28°C only 8 to 15 days were needed.




